Home visiting services are a holistic, two-generation approach to providing support and improving outcomes for expectant and new parents. Home visiting programs have demonstrated short- and long-term impacts on the health, safety, and school-readiness of children, maternal health, and family stability and financial security. Home visitors can meet with families in their homes and provide culturally competent, individualized needs assessments and services. This results in measured improvements in the health of babies, safe homes and nurturing relationships, optimal early learning and long-term academic achievement, and supported families. 1
The Health Access Nurturing Development Services (HANDS) program is Kentucky’s home visiting program offered statewide. It is a voluntary home visitation program for any new or expectant parents. HANDS supports families as they build healthy, safe environments for the optimal growth and development of children. Any parent expecting a new baby and residing in Kentucky is eligible, as well as the child’s guardian (relative/fictive kin). Families must be enrolled during pregnancy or before a child is ninety (90) days old.