G2.5 Citizen Foster Care Review Board and Interested Party Review


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Pursuant to KRS 620.270, children and youth in the temporary custody or who are committed to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (Cabinet/CHFS), regardless of placement, are subject to review by the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Citizen Foster Care Review Board (CFCRB). The CFCRB's mission is to ensure that permanency remains a central objective of the courts and the Cabinet for at-risk children. The CFCRB review is required at least once every six (6) months until the Cabinet is no longer legally responsible for the child/youth.

For each six (6) month review conducted, notice must be provided to interested parties, advising them of their right to attend and participate in the CFCRB review. Notice of the review shall be provided to the:

  • Child’s parents, if parental rights have not been terminated or surrendered; 
  • Parent’s attorney; 
  • Guardian ad litem (GAL), the attorney for the child, or both; 
  • Foster parent(s); 
  • Prospective adoptive parent; 
  • Relative or fictive kin providing care for the child; and 
  • Child who is a party to the proceeding.

The interested party review (IPR) utilizes the same information that the local CFCRB uses for case reviews, such as the current case plan, current service recordings, ongoing assessment, and placement log. The IPR board uses this material to conduct an interactive review that includes the parties involved, as well as other interested parties. Findings and recommendations of the CFCRB and IPR are sent to the judge assigned to the case​, parent(s), board chair members, and the Cabinet. 1

In addition, at least twice annually, the Local Citizen Foster Care Review Board (LCFCRB) must participate in regional community forums for members of the public to discuss areas of concern regarding the foster care system and to identify barriers to timely permanency, well-being, and safety for children in out-of-home care (OOHC). The local boards are required to report their findings to the State Citizen Foster Care Review Board in accordance with KRS 620.340.

Practice Guidance

  • ​​CFCRB has access to all information and records of the Cabinet pertinent to the parents or person exercising custodial control or supervision of the child being reviewed. 
  • CFCRB reviews the case of each child/youth in temporary custody or committed to the Cabinet, in the county or counties served by the board. 
  • The FSOS will be notified either in writing or by email which case(s) were unable to be reviewed and why (for example, file not provided, out of date service recordings or case plan). This form notifies the FSOS when the case is being called back for review. ​​


​​Citizen Foster Care Review Board (CFCRB)
  1. The SSW provides a copy of the DPP-1281 Family Case Plan to the CFCRB: 
    1. No later than thirty (30) calendar days after the effective date of the court order for each child committed to the Cabinet by either a commitment order or temporary custody order as specified in SOP 4.17 Preparation for and Completion of the Ten (10) day Conference; and 
    2. At a minimum, once every six (6) months to the court and the AOC CFCRB program as specified in SOP 4.18 Ongoing Case Planning. 
  2. When a case is requested by the CFCRB: 
    1. The SSW provides to AOC complete contact information for the following, as applicable: 
      1. The child’s parents, if voluntary or involuntary termination of parental rights (TPR) has not occurred; 
      2. The parent’s attorney; 
      3. The GAL, and/or child’s attorney; 
      4. The foster parent(s); 
      5. The prospective adoptive parent(s); 
      6. The relative or fictive kin providing care for the child; and 
      7. The child who is a party to the proceeding. 
    2. The SSW responds to questions of the board and appears before the board as requested; 
    3. The FSOS is responsible for assuring that the case record is current and available at the time of the review by the CFCRB. 
  3. When DCBS case responsibility has been transferred to a county other than the county with court jurisdiction and CFCRB requests the case record: 
    1. The FSOS in the county served by the CFCRB contacts the FSOS in the county with case responsibility of the review date and location where the record is to be sent; 
    2. The FSOS for the county with case responsibility sends the case file within five (5) working days of the CFCRB notification as required by KRS 620.250; and 
    3. The FSOS in the county served by the CFCRB forwards the AOC-CFCRB-2A- Citizen Foster Care Review Board Findings and Recommendations FormA to the FSOS in the county of current case responsibility.
Interested Party Review (IPR)
  1. Notice of the six (6) month interested party review (IPR) and the right to attend and participate must be provided to the parties in the case which may include, but are not limited to: 
    1. The parent(s), if voluntary or involuntary TPR has not occurred; 
    2. Relative or fictive kin caregiver(s); 
    3. The foster parent(s); 
    4. The child, as required by KRS 602.270 (5); and 
    5. Others such as therapists, court-appointed special advocate (CASA), GAL, or parent attorney(s). 
  2. When a case is requested for an interested party review (IPR): 
    1. The SSW submits the request for information form to AOC ​through TWIST, providing names, complete addresses, and phone numbers and, if applicable, interpreting the needs of the above-mentioned parties in the case. Because information is gathered electronically, it is imperative that TWIST recordings are up to date for the most accurate review​; 
    2. The SSW alerts the IPR board if there is an active domestic violence order, restraining order, or any other such court orders regarding the parties whose names, addresses, and phone numbers are being provided to the AOC for this review; 
    3. Either the SSW or the FSOS attends the IPR board meeting; and 
    4. The FSOS responds to any questions requiring a response within thirty (30) calendar days.



  1. ​​Findings and recommendations from the IPR are only sent to parents who participate in the IPR. Addresses and other contact information for review participants are not included within the IPR recommendations and findings, and are not shared outside of DCBS and AOC.
