The presentation summary packet includes the items below in the following order:
- DPP-AC-1 Transmital Memo;
- Past and recent photographs of the child (not applicable for foster parent adoptions);
Presentation summary narrative printed from TWIST;
- Certified copy of the birth certificate;
- Certified copy of termination of parental rights (TPR) orders or the wardship order as outlined in SOP 11.10 Wardship Cases;
- Copy of parent death certificate, if applicable;
- Copy of Social Security card;1
- Birth information, including hospital newborn medical records;
- DPP-189-Biological Parents Identifying Information;2
- DPP-191-Information to be Obtained from Placing Parent; 3
- DPP-192-Biological Parent Consent Form;
- Child’s medical records using the child’s medical passport, (i.e., physical, dental, and vision records) (not applicable if the child has maintained the same foster home placement for twelve (12) months or longer and if the foster parent is adopting the child, or if the child is less than twelve (12) months of age, has maintained the same foster home placement, and the foster parent plans to adopt the child); 4
- Child’s developmental record (not applicable if the child has maintained the same foster home placement for twelve (12) months or longer and if the foster parent is adopting the child, or if the child is less than twelve (12) months of age but has maintained the same foster home placement and the foster parent plans to adopt the child);
- Other supplemental medical information, including immunization records;
- School records and/or most recent individualized education progam (IEP), if applicable;
- Psychiatric assessments/records;
- Mental health records (not applicable if the child has maintained the same foster home placement for twelve (12) months or longer and if the foster parent is adopting the child or if the child is less than twelve (12) months of age, has maintained the same foster home placement, and the foster parent plans to adopt the child); 5
- Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) documentation, when applicable;
- DPP-892-Daily Routine Non School Age Child (Age 0-5) or DPP-893-Daily Routine School Aged Child (DPP-892 and DPP-893 are not applicable for foster parent adoptions);
- Sibling Separation Memo (if applicable);
Any other information that may be helpful/relevant; and
- Title IV-E eligibility and/or other children’s benefits documentation as described in SOP 31 Standards of Practice Regarding Title IV-E, Medicaid and Other Applicable Benefits; and placement history log/placement summary from TWIST.
TWIST automatically populates the child's maltreatment history into the presentation summary narrative. This should be utilized as a guide for the presentation summary packet writer to summarize the maltreatment. Presentation summary packet writers should ensure that perpetrator names and identifying information are not included, specifically for perpetrators who are not the child's birth parents.