13.17 Planning the Placement/Pre-Placement Conference


​​​​​​​​Pre-placement conferences are not required for foster parent adoptions, as the pre-placement conference may occur at the same time the adoptive placement agreement is signed for planned foster parent adoptions. Required appropriate procedures are described in SOP 13.13.1 DCBS Foster Parent Adoption and SOP 13.13.2 Private Child-Placing (PCP) Foster Parent Adoption. Adoptive pre-placement conferences are required for all children who are not being adopted by their foster parents. Participation in the conference does not obligate either the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS/Cabinet) or the family to proceed with the placement. The adoptive pre-placement conference chairperson is selected from the potential adoptive family's service region. The adoptive pre-placement conference may serve as a periodic review if the agenda includes the appropriate topics, a third (3rd) party is present, and the required items are documented.

The Cabinet plays a strategic role from when the child begins transitioning to the adoptive family, the DPP-195 Adoptive Placement Agreement is signed, and until the adoption is finalized. post placement phase of adoption. The family should continue to receive help in continually assessing their adjustment and their feelings, and to recognize and deal with potential problems. In addition to the support that the Cabinet can provide, the SSW can link the family with appropriate community providers. The managed care organization (MCO) can also be a valuable resource during this time. Through the use of supportive services as outlined in 922 KAR 1.400 Supportive Services, the family can identify and manage stress before it reaches crisis proportions,  and the adoption can often be stabilized and maintained.

The agency, in partnership with the family, must conscientiously develop a network of post- placement service providers in the community and help to link the family with the most appropriate service providers.

Practice Guidance

  • ​​Pre-placement conference participants include the: 
    • Child’s SSW; 
    • Recruitment and certification (R&C) worker; 
    • Kentucky Adoption Profile Exchange (KAPE) specialist, if applicable; 
    • Child’s foster parents or other caregivers; 
    • Prospective adoptive parent(s); 
    • FSOSes; 
    • Therapist, if available; 
    • Child Focused Recruitment Model (CFRM) specialist; and 
    • Chairperson. 
  • To ensure that all relevant information is shared for the family to make an informed decision, the Pre-placement Conference Outline template is followed. When the presentation/discussion is concluded, the chair allows the prospective adoptive family and all conference participants time to process the information, request additional information, or ask for more time to make their decision. If the adoptive parents wish to meet the child and DCBS staff wishes to continue the adoption referral, a visitation schedule and transition plan are developed and implemented to allow for a period of adjustment, for the child and family to develop a meaningful relationship, and to ensure all needed services have been arranged.​3

Proceeding with Visitation: 4
  • Visitation is an essential phase of the adoptive placement process that is negotiated and revised as needed, then recorded on the DSS-194 Adoption Visitation Agreement. Timing of visitation and placement is determined by the age and needs of the child, as well as the child's and family’s adjustment to becoming a new family. The initial visit (introduction) is held in a location where the child is most comfortable. 
  • The pre-placement conference participants determine: 
    • The preliminary visitation schedule and location of the visits; 
    • That additional visitation may be scheduled as needed; 
    • The timeframe to prepare the child for the family; the adoptive family gives their family photo album to the child’s SSW to use in preparing the child for the first meeting; and 
    • How the family can best prepare for the visit.


Preparing for the pre-placement conference
  1. The FSOS for the child or other person based on regional protocols contacts the designated service region pre-placement chairperson to arrange the earliest possible date for the conference.
  2. The SSW tells the prospective adoptive family that they are required to create a family photo album to prepare the child for the meeting with the new family. 2
Conducting the pre-placement conference
The conference chairperson:
  1. Assists in making conference arrangements (scheduling, location, etc.); 
  2. Begins by explaining the following objectives of the conference: 
    1. To discuss the confidentiality of shared information and sign the DPP-171 Notice of Confidentiality if it has not been completed; 
    2. To assist the prospective adoptive family in reaching their decision regarding the adoption referral; 
    3. To provide staff the opportunity to share their knowledge of the child; and 
    4. To determine the method of introducing the family to the child; 
  3. Records the conference and prepares the written summaryusing the template to document the pre-placement conference discussion and uploads the information into twist; ; 
  4. Ensures that all information regarding the child is shared, including the reimbursement of travel expenses, if needed, and the availability of adoption assistance; 
  5. Ensures that the decision to proceed with the adoption referral is determined through mutual discussion and is ultimately the decision of the Cabinet; 
  6. Distributes the conference summary to all participants, including prospective adoptive parents; and 
  7. Reviews and provides a copy of the following documents for the propspective adoptive parent(s): 
    1. Adoptive Parent’s Guide to Pre-Placement Visits; 
    2. DSS-194 Adoption Visitation Agreement; and 
    3. DPP-195 Adoptive Placement Agreement (for informational purposes).
The SSW provides:
  1. A redacted copy of the child's presentation summary packet (as outlined in SOP 13.10 Preparing the Presentation Summary Packet​) to the prospective adoptive family in advance of the conference;
  2. The following information: 
    1. Background of the child; 
    2. Child’s mental and physical health, history, and status; 
    3. Personality; 
    4. Day-to-day living; 
    5. Development and school functioning; 
    6. Social functioning; 
    7. Services the child now receives; 
    8. The extent of preparation for placement; 
    9. Birth family members and other significant people and their relationship to the child; 
    10. Need for contact with significant others; 
    11. Potential adjustment problems moving from the foster home to the adoptive home; 
    12. Assessment of the personal needs of the child;
    13. Availability of clothing allowance; 
    14. Problems or issues in any of the above areas; 
    15. Specific forms of discipline used by foster parents; and 
    16. The requirement for periodic reviews and permanency hearings until the legalization of the adoption. 
  3. A video of the child which is shown following the discussion, when available. 
  4. Ensures that both the potential adoptive family and the child are prepared for their initial meeting by doing the following:
    1. Preparing the child for the initial visit with the prospective adoptive family; 
    2. Engaging the current foster parent or private child-caring (PCC) provider in preparing for the introduction of the selected family and child, when appropriate; 
    3. Sharing information about the selected family with the child before the first visit, including the family album; 
    4. Discussing the anticipated visit with the child, including time, location, and length; and 
    5. Preparing the family for the introduction to the child.​
The recruitment and certification (R&C) worker provides information regarding the availability of adoption assistance.  


  1. All relevant persons, including foster parents, therapists, counselors, Cabinet staff, and others are invited and encouraged to attend the pre-placement conference. 
  2. The family is also encouraged to bring questions or issues needing further clarification to the conference. 
  3. Follow the guidance outlined in SOP Chapter 10​ for out-of-state placements. 
  4. Careful consideration and planning for the introduction of the child to the family is critical. 
  5. ​​​​Does not apply to foster parent adoptions.​



Placement of foster children into approved adoptive homes prior to termination of parental rights may occur when the petition for termination of parental rights has been filed and there is a likelihood that termination of parental rights will be achieved or in cases where the termination of parental rights is on appeal. Efforts should be made to locate an appropriate concurrent resource in hopes that the first placement can be the only foster care placement.​

The Cabinet plays a strategic role during the time spanning from when the child begins transitioning to the adoptive family, the APA is signed, and until the adoption is finalized. post placement phase of adoption.

The managed care organization (MCO) can also be a valuable resource during this time.

  • To ensure that all relevant information is shared for the family to make an informed decision, the Pre-placement Conference Outline template is followed.  When the presentation/discussion is concluded, the chair allows the adoptive family and all conference participants time to process the information, request additional information, or ask for more time to make their decision. If the adoptive parents wish to meet the child and DCBS staff wishes to continue the adoption referral, a visitation schedule is developed and a transition plan is put in place to allow for a period of adjustment, in order for the child and family to develop a meaningful relationship, and to ensure all needed services have been arranged. 3 arrangements for meeting the child are made.
3.  Records the conference and Prepares the written summary using the template to document the pre-placement conference discussion and uploads the information into TWIST; ​
6.  Distributes the conference summary to all participants, including prospective adoptive parents, and the central office adoption specialist; and 
L.  Assessment of the personal needs of the child and the availability of adoption assistance

The recruitment and certification (R&C) worker provides information regarding the availability of adoption assistance.