13.22 Family Team Meeting (FTM)/Periodic Review for Children in Adoptive Placement



Practice Guidance

  • ​​Periodic review conference participants include, but are not limited to: 
    • Recruitment and certification (R&C) supervisor/designee (chairperson); 
    • R&C worker; 
    • Child of appropriate age and development; 
    • Adoptive parents; 
    • Other interested parties with a legitimate interest in the case with the permission of the adoptive parent(s); 
    • An objective third party (when the conference is a periodic review): and
    • An objective third party may be a Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS/Cabinet) staff who has no supervisory or case management of, or the delivery of services to, the adoptive family or child. 
  • When the child is in an out-of-state adoptive placement and distance precludes a face-to-face conference, a virtual conference is arranged. Input from all relevant parties (adoptive parents, child of appropriate age, worker providing on-site supervision, SSW, and FSOS) is gathered and included in the conference documents. The date of the case conference is the date that the case plan is established. 
  • A family team meeting (FTM) is held at the time of adoption finalization to discuss post-adoptive services and community resources for the adoptive family. 
  • Adoptive parents are required to participate fully with the Cabinet in the development of the case plan by identifying their perception of the child’s individualized needs as well as barriers to finalization of the adoption.​


  1. ​​The SSW with case responsibility schedules required periodic reviews. 
  2. The SSW follows procedures outlined in SOP 4.18 Ongoing Case Planning sends notice of each conference to the adoptive parents and the following items are addressed until the adoption is finalized: 
    1. Barriers to permanency (i.e., adoption finalization); 
    2. The appropriateness of services, including whether services are being provided in a manner that meets the needs of the family; 
    3. The stability of the adoptive placement; ​
    4. A target date for achieving permanency (adoption finalization); 
    5. Revision of the case plan; and 
    6. The date of the next periodic review.



  • R&C worker/private child placing agency (PCP) provider if a PCP adoption

  • When the child is in an out-of-state adoptive placement and distance precludes a face-to-face conference, a virtual telephone conference is arranged. Input from all relevant parties (adoptive parents, child of appropriate age, worker providing on-site courtesy supervision, SSW and FSOS) is gathered and included in the conference documents. The date of the case conference is the date that the case plan is established. 

  • A family team meeting (FTM) is held at the time of adoption finalization to discuss post-adoptive services and community resources resource linkages for the adoptive family. 
c.  The stability of the adoptive placementaccording to schedule and whether adoptive parents and child are meeting expectations; ​