The adoption must have been finalized in Kentucky in order for the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS/Cabinet) to provide non-identifying information. Non-identifying information that may be provided by written request includes medical/health, educational, cultural, and family background information, as available in the record. Non-identifying information can be provided to the adult adopted person upon their written request to the Cabinet if they are age twenty-one (21) or older. Non-identifying information can also be provided to the adoptive parents of an adopted child.
Requests for information from closed adoption records may come from adult adopted persons, attorneys, and courts. All requests for non-identifying information from closed adoption records are submitted in writing to the Adoption Services Branch.
The record is reviewed by the Adoption Services Branch, and the available non-identifying information is summarized and forwarded to the requestor. No information contained in the record that tends to identify individuals, other than the adopted person, shall be provided without a specific court order.