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Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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Initial Considerations Prior to Removal
4.1 Consideration of Race and Ethnicity/Maintaining Cultural Connections
4.2 Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
4.3 Relative and Absent Parent Search
4.6 Parenting Youth in Foster Care
Foster Care Placement Administrative Section
4.9 Initial Placement Considerations
4.10 Placement in a DCBS Foster or Adoptive Home
4.10.1 DCBS Care Plus
4.10.2 DCBS Medically Complex Placement
4.10.4 Relative or Fictive Kin Pursuing Foster Home Approval
4.11 Private Child Placing (PCP) or Child Caring (PCC) Agency
4.11.1 Level of Care Assignment
4.11.2 Request for Emergency LOC Assignment
4.11.3 Reviews of LOC Assignment
4.11.4 Change in LOC Assignment
4.12 Out of State Placement
4.13 Alternative Placements
Opening a Foster Care Case and Developing the Case Plan
4.14 Timeframes for All Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) Cases
4.15 Family Attachment and Involvement
4.16 Participants and Notification for All OOHC Cases
C7.16 Preparation for and Completion of the Ten (10) Day Conference
4.18 Ongoing Case Planning
4.19 Visitation Agreement
4.20 Assessing and Maintaining Sibling Relationships
4.21 Safe Infants Act
Ongoing OOHC Service Provision
4.24 SSW's Ongoing Contact with the Child and Family, Including the Medically Complex Child
4.26 Meeting Basic Health Care Needs
4.26.1 Medical Passport
4.26.2 Authorization for Medical Services
4.26.3 Standardized Screening and Assessment for Children in Out of Home Care
4.26.4 Passport Health Plan
4.26.5 Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)
4.27.1 Individual Health Plan for the Medically Complex Child
4.27.2 Extraordinary Medical Care/Medical Expenses of a Medically Complex Child
4.27.3 Serious Injury of a Child in Foster Care
4.27.4 Life Support Systems
4.27.5 Ending Use of Life Support Systems
4.28 Meeting Educational Needs
4.28.2 Providing Educational Services Under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
4.28.3 Accessing Educational Records for Children and Youth in Foster Care and Guidelines for Educational Passports
4.28.4 Higher Education Assistance
4.28.5 Educational Training Voucher for Youth Who Have Transitioned Out of Foster Care
4.29.1 Independent Living Services
4.29.2 Transition Planning for Youth Aging Out of OOHC or Extending Commitment
4.30 Normalcy for Children and Youth in Out of Home Care
Ongoing Assessment, Case Planning and Case Closure
4.34 Ongoing Assessment for Out of Home Care Cases
4.35 Reunification, Including Extended Visitation, Case Planning and Transitional Supports to Families and Children
4.36 Case Closure and Aftercare Planning
4.37 Working with Incarcerated Parents
OOHC Administrative Standards of Practice
4.45 Movement from a Home Placement
4.46 Movement from a DCBS Foster or Adoptive Home
4.47 Movement from One PCC Placement to Another
4.48 Discharge from a PCP or PCC Placement
4.49 Discharge Planning Prior to Leaving a Hospital or Treatment Facility
4.50 Discharge Planning Prior to Placement Changes Against Medical Advice
4.51 Documentation Required Upon Entering Out of Home Care (OOHC)
4.51.1 Placement in a Congregate Care (Residential Treatment) Setting
4.52 Personal Care Home/Family Care Home
4.53 Bed-Hold-Private Child Caring (PCC) / Residential or Private Child Placing (PCP) Foster Care Placement
4.54 Transportation and Out of State Travel with a Child in the Custody of the Cabinet
4.55 Sex Education
4.55.1 Pregnant Youth
4.55.2 Family Planning for Pregnant Youth
4.55.3 Survivors and Those at Risk of Human Trafficking
4.56 Use of Tobacco Products
4.57 Photography, Videotaping or Audio Taping of a Child in OOHC
4.58 Mail to Child in OOHC
4.59 Change of Surname for a Youth in OOHC
4.60 State I.D. and Driver's License for Children in the Custody of the Cabinet
4.61 Employment for a Youth in OOHC
4.64 Census Count for a Youth in OOHC
4.65 Credit Reports for Youth in Foster Care
4.66 Critical Situations
4.67 Locating Missing Children-Including Runaways
Standards of Practice Manual
4.60 State I.D. and Driver's License for Children in the Custody of the Cabinet
4.60 State I.D. and Driver's License for Children in the Custody of the Cabinet
Legal Authority
P.L. 113-183 Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act
KRS 186.450 Instruction permits for motor vehicle and motorcycle-Application-Age requirements-Restrictions on driving with permit
KRS 186.590 Minor's negligence imputed to person signing application or allowing him to drive
KRS 186.470 Application of minor-Renewal of minor's license or permit-Parental consent to release of academic information to cabinet-cancellation
KRS 605.102 Caregiver of committed child to use reasonable and prudent parent standard for child's participation in age or developmentally appropriate activities-Limitation of liability-Cabinet official's immunity not abrogated or diminished
2017 KY Acts Chapter 11
Practice Guidance
Practice Guidance
Caregivers of youth age sixteen (16) through eighteen (18) years old in out-of-home care (OOHC) may request reimbursement for the cost of a state I.D., learner's permit, or license for youth in their care via the monthly boarding statement or by submitting an itemized receipt to the regional billing specialist.
As funds allow, youth in OOHC age sixteen (16) through twenty one (21), or their caregiver, may request reimbursement up to five hundred dollars ($500) for the cost of completing a state approved driver's education program. Request for reimbursement should be submitted on the Youth Development Funds Request Form to the regional independent living specialist (ILS).
As funds allow, caregivers of youth age sixteen (16) up to age nineteen (19) who are in OOHC can request reimbursement for the cost of adding youth to their personal vehicle insurance policy. Caregivers should submit the following documents to the regional billing specialist each month: a statement from the insurance company that details the added cost incurred for coverage of the youth and a signed Committment Verification Letter-Learner's Permit.
If a youth causes damage to the caregiver's vehicle while driving, the caregiver can request reimbursement of their deductible, up to one thousand dollars ($1,000). The caregiver should submit proof of payment and signed Committment Verification Letter-Learner's Permit to the regional billing specialist.
As funds allow, youth age sixteen (16) up to age nineteen (19) may request reimbursement for the cost of their personal vehicle insurance premium. A copy of the youth’s insurance policy information and itemized receipts should be submitted quarterly to the regional billing specialist through the youth’s caregiver or state social worker.
Central office staff on the Out-of-Home Care Branch are available for consultation and guidance as needed.
State Identification Card
The SSW will provide youth in OOHC a signed copy of the Committment Verification Letter-State IDsigned by DCBS worker, indicating who is approved to sign for youth's application for a state identification card (I.D.).
To apply for an I.D., the youth will provide the verification letter, original birth certificate, and Social Security card to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Driver's Instructional Permit
The SSW, or other Cabinet staff, may not sign an application for a driver’s license or permit for a youth in OOHC under the age of (18) eighteen, including children whose parent's rights have been terminated and are awaiting permanency.
An application to obtain a driver's license or permit for a youth in the custody of the cabinet may be signed by:
The youth's parent, legal guardian, grandparent, adult sibling, aunt or uncle, if parental rights have not been terminated;
Another person who is at least age eighteen (18);
The foster parent or caregiver with whom the youth resides when the reasonable and prudent parent standard is applied in partnership with the cabinet; or
The youth, without another person upon verification:
By the cabinet that the youth is in the custody or commitment of the cabinet; and
That the youth has an insurance policy.
The SSW, in collaboration with the youth's foster parent or caregiver, uses the reasonable and prudent parent standard to determine the youth's readiness to obtain an instructional permit and driver's license.
The ILS convenes and facilitates a meeting to discuss the requirements for applying for a driver's permit under the graduated driving program in Kentucky. The meeting includes, but is not limited to, the following participants:
SSW (as available);
Foster parent; and
Any other significant person in the child's life, who can assist in the determination.
The ILS:
Reviews the DPP-17 Readiness for Driving Agreement and completes it with meeting participants during the meeting;
Confirms the child, or other person signing the application, is aware they will be held jointly liable with the minor for any damages caused by negligence; and
Informs the youth that the Cabinet, or anyone who signs permission for the youth to obtain their permit or license, can file a verified request with the Transportation Cabinet to cancel a youth's permit or license, if at any time the child no longer meets the requirements to maintain a license.
The ILS may hold follow-up meetings as necessary.
The SSW provides the youth with a signed copy of the Committment Verification Letter-Learner's Permit signed by the SRA or designee, and ILS if it is determined that the youth will be approved to pursue attainment of his/her permit or license.
Main Content
Relative Content
Committment Verification Letter-State ID
Committment Verification Letter- Learner's Permit
DPP-17 Readiness for Driving Agreement
Youth Development Fund Request Form
Page Content