5.5 Relative and Fictive Kin Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC)



Practice Guidance


The following steps occur when the region has determined a case is appropriate for SPC: 

  1. Designated regional staff sends the Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC) Determination Worksheet to the recruitment and certification (R&C) FSOS, where the relative fictive kin foster family resides, within ten (10) working days of the determination worksheet.
  2. The SPC packet includes the following:
    1. Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC) Determination Worksheet;​
    2. DPP-1257P Preliminary Agreement Regarding Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC) Agreement; and
    3. Original birth certificate for the child.
  3. The R&C worker, child’s worker, private child placing (PCP) case manager (if applicable), and other designated regional permanency staff (if applicable), meet with the relative fictive kin foster family to discuss SPC. 1
  4. The following should be discussed at the foster home visit:
    1. A review of the difference between fostering, adopting, and permanent custody; 
    2. The ramificaiton of SPC verses an adoption as it relates to termination of parental rights (TPR); 
    3. SPC program and the eligibility status of the child; 
    4. An explanation that SPC subsidy contracts must be in place before the relative fictive foster family accepts permanent custody to ensure eligibility for subsidy payments; 
    5. The court process for obtaining permanent custody and accessing non-reoccurring experiences if applicable; 
    6. Any benefits the child may be eligible to receive, resources, and supportive services that the community could provide (i.e. Kentucky Information Navigation and Support);
    7. The caregiver’s attitude about contact with birth siblings, other relatives, and plan contact; and
    8. The child’s participation in mental health services as recommended/needed for the child post-permanency. 
  5. ​If the home is approved through a PCP, R&C requests the following information about the family:
    1. ​Training record;
    2. Home study and recertification;
    3. Background checks; and
    4. The per diem rate that the family is receiving for the child.
  6. ​Within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving the SPC packet, the R&C worker completes the DPP-1257 contract series as follows:
    1. ​Cover sheet;
    2. Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC) Approval letter;
    3. DPP-1257 Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC) Agreement;
    4. DPP-1257N Notification of Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC) Agreement
  7. ​The R&C worker sends a copy of the approval letter to the SSW and FSOS.
  8. After the service region administrator (SRA) or designee approves the SPC subsidy contract a final hearing shall be held to give the caregiver permanent custody through completion of the DNA-9 form. 2
  9. Once a final hearing is scheduled, the SSW will notify the PCP agency to provide potential notice that the child may be exiting care. 


  1. ​​The home visit may be held in person, by virtual means, or by a combination of these methods, (i.e., one worker may join by video conference or conference call while the family and other staff are present at the home).
  2. It is imperative that the subsidy contract be in place and approved before the caregiver receives SPC. If custody is granted before the contact approval the youth will not be eligible for SPC payments.



  1. Designated regional staff sends the Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC) Determination Worksheet to the recruitment and certification (R&C) FSOS, where the relative fictive kin foster family resides, within ten (10) working days of the determination worksheetSPC consultation.
  1. The difference between fostering, adopting, and permanent custody; 
  2. Importance of permanency for the child;  
  3. Legal risks involved with SPC; 
  4. The child’s options for a permanent home when a foster parent does not commit to being a permanent placement for the child;  
  5. A review of the difference between fostering, adopting, and permanent custody; 
  6. ramificaiton of SPC verses an adoption as it relates to termination of parental rights (TPR)
  7. SPC program and the eligibility status of the child; 
  8. An explanation that SPC subsidy contracts must be in place before the relative fictive foster family accepts permanent custody to ensure eligibility for subsidy payments; 
  9. The court process for obtaining permanent custody and accessing non-reoccurring experiences if applicable; 
  10. Any benefits the child may be eligible to receive, resources, and supportive services that the community could provide (i.e Kentucky Information Navigation and Support);
  11. The caregiver’s attitude about contact with birth siblings, other relatives, and plan contact; and
  12. The child’s participation in mental health services as recommended/needed for the child post-permanency. 

3.  For youth who are age fourteen (14) or older they must be consulted regarding the permanency plan.