- Designated regional staff sends the Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC) Determination Worksheet to the recruitment and certification (R&C) FSOS, where the relative fictive kin foster family resides, within ten (10) working days of the determination worksheet. SPC consultation.
- The difference between fostering, adopting, and permanent custody;
- Importance of permanency for the child;
- Legal risks involved with SPC;
- The child’s options for a permanent home when a foster parent does not commit to being a permanent placement for the child;
- A review of the difference between fostering, adopting, and permanent custody;
- ramificaiton of SPC verses an adoption as it relates to termination of parental rights (TPR);
- SPC program and the eligibility status of the child;
- An explanation that SPC subsidy contracts must be in place before the relative fictive foster family accepts permanent custody to ensure eligibility for subsidy payments;
- The court process for obtaining permanent custody and accessing non-reoccurring experiences if applicable;
- Any benefits the child may be eligible to receive, resources, and supportive services that the community could provide (i.e Kentucky Information Navigation and Support);
- The caregiver’s attitude about contact with birth siblings, other relatives, and plan contact; and
- The child’s participation in mental health services as recommended/needed for the child post-permanency.
3. For youth who are age fourteen (14) or older they must be consulted regarding the permanency plan.