5.9 Annual Contact with Permanent Caregivers Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC)



Practice Guidance

  • The permanent caregiver(s) are responsible for notifying the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS/Cabinet) of any circumstances that would make the permanent caregiver(s) ineligible for subsidized permanent custody (SPC) assistance payments or change the amount of the assistance payments through a renegotiation of the SPC assistance. Please refer to SOP 5.10 Discontinuance of Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC) Assistance​.
  • Assess any needs that the caregiver may have.
  • The recruitment and certification (R&C) subsidy worker will provide information and descriptions of services covered by the Cabinet, along with any community services available, included in the annual contact packet. 


  1. The SSW sends all caregivers who receive assistance the DPP-1257B Subsidized Permanent Custody Assistance Annual Contact Form and notifies the caregiver(s) that the agreement may be renegotiated at any time. 1 
  2. The purpose of the annual contact is to provide Cabinet contact information to the caregiver(s) and to determine if the: 
    1. ​Child remains in the caregiver(s) home; 
    2. Caregiver(s) continues to provide care and support for the child; 
    3. Caregiver provides updated successor caregiver if applicable;2 and
    4. That SPC assistance payments continue to meet the needs of the child. 
  3. At a minimum, three (3) documented attempts will be made to contact the family. The attempts may include mail, email, phone contact, home visit, or other cabinet-approved methods.
  4. After the DPP-1257B Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC) Annual Contact Form is compl​eted, the Cabinet may conduct a home visit under the following circumstances; 
    1. The caregiver requests a home visit; 
    2. The child's needs change, as indicated by the caregiver; or 
    3. The Cabinet receives information that is contrary to the information verified by the caregiver(s) during the annual contact.
  5. The SSW ensures that the family is aware of how to access services within the community.


  1. DPP-1257A Subsidized Permanent Custody (SPC) Successor Caregiver Amendment is included in annual contact with caregiver(s).



  • The recruitment and certification (R&C) subsidy worker will provide information and descriptions of services covered by the Cabinet, along with any community services available, included in the annual contact packet. 
​2.  The purpose of the annual contact is to provide Cabinet contact information to the caregiver(s) and to determine if that the: ​

  1. An SPC assistance renegotiation request may occur at any time after the initial adoption agreements are in place. Please refer to SOP 13.43 Adoption Assistance Renegotiation.