Chapter 4- Out of Home Care Services (OOHC)

4.1 Consideration of Race and Ethnicity/Maintaining Cultural Connections

Effective Date: 2/28/2022

4.2 Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

Effective Date: 10/22/2019

4.3 Relative and Absent Parent Search

Effective Date: 1/18/2023

4.5.1 Kinship Care and Relative Benefit Regional Logs

Effective Date: 4/1/2013

4.5.2 Eligibility Criteria for Children Approved for Kinship Care Benefits Prior to April 1, 2013

Effective Date: 1/22/2014

4.5.3 Kinship Care Benefits Approvals-Prior to April 1, 2013

Effective Date: 7/16/2014

4.5.4 Background Checks for Kinship Care Providers or Relative Caregivers

Effective Date: 3/14/2023

4.5.5 Relative and Fictive Kin Placement Foster Care Payments

Effective Date: 5/14/2020

4.5.6 Ongoing Services and Permanency for the Child Placed through Kinship Care

Effective Date: 4/1/2019

4.5.8 Discontinuance of Kinship Care

Effective Date: 1/22/2014

4.5.9 Redetermination and Reapplication for Children Approved for Kinship Care Prior to April 1, 2013

Effective Date: 4/1/2013

4.5.10 Service Appeals for Kinship Care Providers, Relative, or Fictive Kin Caregivers

Effective Date: 7/01/2024

4.6 Parenting Youth in Foster Care

Effective Date: 7/1/2020

4.9 Initial Placement Considerations

Effective Date: 07/25/2022

4.10 Placement in a DCBS Foster or Adoptive Home

Effective Date: 4/20/2021

4.10.1 DCBS Care Plus

Effective Date: 7/20/2022

4.10.2 DCBS Medically Complex Placement

Effective Date:

4.10.4 Relative or Fictive Kin Pursuing Foster Home Approval

Effective Date: 3/1/2023

4.11 Private Child Placing (PCP) or Child Caring (PCC) Agency

Effective Date: 6/14/2023

4.11.1 Level of Care Assignment

Effective Date: 4/20/2021

4.11.2 Request for Emergency LOC Assignment

Effective Date: 4/20/2021

4.11.3 Reviews of LOC Assignment

Effective Date: 7/20/2022

4.11.4 Change in LOC Assignment

Effective Date: 7/20/2022

4.12 Out of State Placement

Effective Date: 12/5/2022

4.13 Alternative Placements

Effective Date: 8/1/2023

4.14 Timeframes for All Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) Cases

Effective Date: 03/01/2023

4.15 Family Attachment and Involvement

Effective Date: 10/6/2020

4.16 Participants and Notification for All OOHC Cases

Effective Date: 10/6/2020

4.17 Preparation for and Completion of the Ten (10) Day Conference

Effective Date: 7/25/2022

4.18 Ongoing Case Planning

Effective Date: 7/01/2024

4.19 Visitation Agreement

Effective Date: 1/15/2019

4.20 Assessing and Maintaining Sibling Relationships

Effective Date: 7/25/2022

4.21 Safe Infants Act

Effective Date: 7/1/2016

4.24 SSW's Ongoing Contact with the Child and Family, Including the Medically Complex Child

Effective Date: 10/4/2023

4.26 Meeting Basic Health Care Needs

Effective Date: 1/21/2020

4.26.1 Medical Passport

Effective Date: 11/18/2015

4.26.2 Authorization for Medical Services

Effective Date: 6/4/2020

4.26.3 Standardized Screening and Assessment for Children in Out of Home Care

Effective Date: 1/21/2020

4.26.4 Passport Health Plan

Effective Date: 12/3/2010

4.26.5 Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)

Effective Date: 5/1/2014

4.27.1 Individual Health Plan for the Medically Complex Child

Effective Date: 11/18/2015

4.27.2 Extraordinary Medical Care/Medical Expenses of a Medically Complex Child

Effective Date: 11/18/2015

4.27.3 Serious Injury of a Child in Foster Care

Effective Date: 12/3/2010

4.27.4 Life Support Systems

Effective Date: 12/3/2010

4.27.5 Ending Use of Life Support Systems

Effective Date: 1/30/2018

4.28 Meeting Educational Needs

Effective Date: 6/14/2023

4.28.1 Educational Assessment

Effective Date: 1/22/2014

4.28.2 Providing Educational Services Under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)

Effective Date: 6/14/2023

4.28.3 Accessing Educational Records for Children and Youth in Foster Care and Guidelines for Educational Passports

Effective Date: 7/1/2017

4.28.4 Higher Education Assistance

Effective Date: 8/1/2023

4.28.5 Educational Training Voucher for Youth Who Have Transitioned Out of Foster Care

Effective Date: 8/16/2021

4.29.1 Independent Living Services

Effective Date: 8/16/2021

4.29.2 Transition Planning for Youth Aging Out of OOHC or Extending Commitment

Effective Date: 8/1/2023

4.30 Normalcy for Children and Youth in Out of Home Care

Effective Date: 11/18/2020

4.34 Ongoing Assessment for Out of Home Care Cases

Effective Date: 8/30/2021

4.35 Reunification, Including Extended Visitation, Case Planning and Transitional Supports to Families and Children

Effective Date: 5/26/2020

4.36 Case Closure and Aftercare Planning

Effective Date: 8/30/2021

4.37 Working with Incarcerated Parents

Effective Date: 3/13/2013

4.45 Movement from a Home Placement

Effective Date: 12/3/2010

4.46 Movement from a DCBS Foster or Adoptive Home

Effective Date: 11/18/2015

4.47 Movement from One PCC Placement to Another

Effective Date: 4/20/2021

4.48 Discharge from a PCP or PCC Placement

Effective Date: 12/28/2020

4.49 Discharge Planning Prior to Leaving a Hospital or Treatment Facility

Effective Date: 11/18/2015

4.50 Discharge Planning Prior to Placement Changes Against Medical Advice

Effective Date: 12/3/2010

4.51 Documentation Required Upon Entering Out of Home Care (OOHC)

Effective Date: 4/16/2021

4.51.1 Placement in a Congregate Care (Residential Treatment) Setting

Effective Date: 1/18/2023

4.52 Personal Care Home/Family Care Home

Effective Date: 12/3/2010

4.53 Bed-Hold-Private Child Caring (PCC) / Residential or Private Child Placing (PCP) Foster Care Placement

Effective Date: 4/25/2024

4.54 Transportation and Out of State Travel with a Child in the Custody of the Cabinet

Effective Date: 9/14/2018

4.55 Sex Education

Effective Date: 12/3/2010

4.55.1 Pregnant Youth

Effective Date: 12/22/2020

4.55.2 Family Planning for Pregnant Youth

Effective Date: 12/3/2010

4.55.3 Survivors and Those at Risk of Human Trafficking

Effective Date: 12/5/2022

4.56 Use of Tobacco Products

Effective Date: 12/3/2010

4.57 Photography, Videotaping or Audio Taping of a Child in OOHC

Effective Date:

4.58 Mail to Child in OOHC

Effective Date:

4.59 Change of Surname for a Youth in OOHC

Effective Date:

4.60 State I.D. and Driver's License for Children in the Custody of the Cabinet

Effective Date:

4.61 Employment for a Youth in OOHC

Effective Date: 12/3/2010

4.62 Household Work and Operation of Machinery

Effective Date: 6/5/2013

4.63 Athletic Program Participation

Effective Date: 12/3/2010

4.64 Census Count for a Youth in OOHC

Effective Date: 12/3/2010

4.65 Credit Reports for Youth in Foster Care

Effective Date: 9/30/2015

4.66 Critical Situations

Effective Date: 2/15/2012

4.67 Locating Missing Children-Including Runaways

Effective Date: 06/14/2023