2.24 Child Emotional Injury Investigations and Evaluations


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In addition to the guidelines specified in SOP 2.11 Investigation Protocol, the SSW uses the following procedures while conducting investigations involving reports of emotional injury.

Emotional abuse can be a repeated pattern of caregiver behavior or an extreme incident that conveys to a child that they are worthless, flawed, unloved, unwanted, endangered, or only of value in meeting another’s needs (American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, 1995). The emotionally abusive act(s) can be grouped into the categories of spurning, terrorizing, exploiting/corrupting, isolating, and denying emotional responsiveness.

Kentucky defines an emotionally abused or emotionally neglected child as one whose health or welfare is harmed or threatened with harm when his parent, guardian, or other person exercising custodial control or supervision inflicts or allows to be inflicted an emotional injury or creates or allows to be created a risk of emotional injury upon the child (KRS 600.020 (1)(a)).
Based upon the statutory definition of emotional injury, if a qualified mental health professional (QMHP) testifies (with evidence by a substantial and observable impairment in the child's ability to function within a normal range of performance and behavior with due regard to their age, development, culture, and environment) that a child has been emotionally injured or is at risk of emotional injury, the program of emotional injury will be substantiated.

Practice Guidance

  • For a report of emotional abuse to be substantiated in Kentucky, the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) and community mental health providers must work collaboratively by:
    • DCBS investigating the allegations of emotional injury; and
    • Obtaining information to share with the QMHP to determine if an emotional injury has occurred.
  • It is the role of:
    • DCBS to investigate the report of emotional injury and determine a perpetrator; 
    • DCBS to submit a formal request for an emotional injury assessment through a QMHP.
    • An objective QMHP to determine whether:
      • The child has an emotional injury; or
      • There is a risk of emotional injury to the child as defined in KRS 600.200.
      • DCBS makes all attempts to request an emotional injury assessment through an objective QMHP, who has no prior involvement with the family, for a determination regarding if the individual has suffered an emotional injury because of the abusive behaviors.
        • If an objective QMHP cannot be located, DCBS will notate any concerns found if the emotional injury assessment appears to show bias.
      • DCBS requests that the QMHP perform an assessment that includes, but may not be limited to:
        • Demographic information;
        • Statement of chief complaint/allegation;
        • Background information/review of available records/phone consultation with the SSW for information found during collateral contacts;
        • A clinical interview with alleged victim (including mental status exam);
        • Interview with alleged victims, family/caregiver(s) when possible;
        • Objective measures that are deemed appropriate by the examiner and are consistent with the practitioner’s field of study;
        • Review of emotional injury criteria for emotionally abusive behaviors acceptance criteria; and
        • Consideration of recommendations for treatment.
      • DCBS requests that the QMHP will make one of the following findings:
        • No emotional injury exists as related to the statutory definition;
        • No emotional injury exists but the victim is at risk of an emotional injury if the reported negative caretaker behavior continues as related to the statutory definition; abuse repr continues;
        • Emotional injury exists, as related to the statutory definition but is unable to determine the responsible caregiver's actions(s) act(s) that resulted in the identified injury; or
        • Emotional injury exists as a result of the reported/alleged abusive behaviors.
      • DCBS will notify the QMHP of any upcoming court dates and/or expectations if the court is requesting an assessment by a specific date.
      • ​Each region will develop a gatekeeping process that will consist of the service region administrative associate (SRAA)/service region clinical associate (SRCA) or designee to review the Emotional Injury Assessment Referral Form and Emotional Injury Checklist.
      • The SSW and/or FSOS should complete one (1) Emotional Abuse Checklist for each client as part of the referral process for an Emotional Injury Assessment. The DCBS emotional injury gatekeeper will review and approve the completed checklist and referral form and send it to the requesting SSW/FSOS.​
      • The SSW and/or FSOS can submit the following documentation when making a referral for an Emotional Injury Assessment:
        • ​​Emotional Injury Assessment Referral Form; 
        • Emotional Injury Checklist;
        • DPP-115  Confidential Suspected Abuse/Neglect, Dependency or Exploitation; ​and
        • DCBS-1 Informed Consent and Release of Information and Records  
      • The regional Kentucky Invoice Tracking System (KITS) approved payee can submit payments for emotional injury assessment as needed. If the SSW/FSOS receives an invoice for an emotional injury assessment, the invoice can be submitted through the regional KITS payment process.   


      The SSW:
      1. Determines, in consultation with the FSOS, if emotionally abusive behaviors have occurred,  or are likely to occur if the emotionally abusive behaviors continue, utilizing the emotional injury checklist criteria; 1
      2. Offers services to the family, even if no abusive behaviors have occurred, when other risk factors concerns exist, or an aftercare plan negotiated with the family has deemed that services are appropriate;
      3. Staffs the referral with the regional emotional injury gatekeeping process if emotionally abusive behaviors have occurred;
      4. If it is determined through consultation that an emotional injury assessment is required, complete the Emotional Injury Checklist and Emotional Injury Referral, and submits them through the regional gatekeeping process;
      5. Make any necessary referrals to gain a QMHP's opinion through an emotional injury assessment;
      6. Determines findings, as outlined in SOP 2.22 Making a Finding, Notifications, and Court Involvement
      7. Will substantiate emotional injury if the QMHP finds the victim is an emotionally injured child or is at risk of emotional injury if the abusive behaviors continue;
      8. Considers filing a petition, to ensure that the child is protected from danger and to ensure that recommendations made by the QMHP and the Division of Protection and Permanency (DPP) are followed by the family;
      9. Sends a notification letter, as outlined in SOP 2.22 Making a Finding Notifications and Court Involvement. indicating the appropriate determination of finding;
      10. If there is a substantiated finding, Includes information in the letter that:
        1. Supports the determination of perpetration, as well as results from the emotional injury assessment report ​conducted by the QMHP;
        2. Reflects that the Cabinet made the determination regarding the perpetrator and that the QMHP made the finding of emotional injury to the child;
      11. Completes an assessment when a QMHP makes a report of suspected emotional abuse/emotional injury that meets the criteria for an investigation. 

      The P&P emotional injury gatekeeping process:

      1. The SRAA/SRCA or designee reviews the SSW/FSOS request for an emotional injury assessment and provides feedback regarding whether moving forward with the assessment is warranted; and 
      2. The SRAA/SRCA or designee assists the SSW/FSOS in locating an objective QMHP (a provider with no prior involvement/interaction with the family).​​



      Based upon the statutory definition of emotional injury, if a qualified mental health professional (QMHP) testifies (with evidence by a substantial and observable impairment in the child's ability to function within a normal range of performance and behavior with due regard to his or her age, development, culture, and environment) that a child has been emotionally injured or is at risk of emotional injury, the program of emotional injury will be substantiated.

      • Outlined in the Partnership for Services: A Manual of Collaboration for Kentucky’s Social Service and Mental Health Agencies are procedures for both agencies to use in addressing emotional injury assessments to include:
        • Designating individuals as gatekeepers in each region by the community mental health center and DCBS respectively to review a SSW’s request for an emotional injury assessment;
        • Determining if in fact an assessment is warranted by the designated gatekeepers; and
        • Utilizing the emotional abuse assessment referral form and emotional injury checklist as determined by how each region will implement the assessment protocol, which are located in the appendix of the Partnership for Services: A Manual of Collaboration for Kentucky’s Social Service and Mental Health Agencies.

        • DCBS to submit a formal request for an emotional injury assessment through a QMHP.
        • An objective QMHP to determine whether or not:
          • The child has an emotional injury; or
          • There is a risk of emotional injury to the child as defined in KRS 600.200.
            • ​​Outlined in the Partnership for Services: A Manual of Collaboration for Kentucky's Social Service and Mental Health Agencies are procedures for both agencies to use in addressing emotional injury assessments to include:
              • Designating individuals as gatekeepers in each region by the community mental health center and DCBS respectively to review a SSW's request for an emotional injury assessment;
              • Determining if in fact an assessment is warranted by the designated gatekeepers; and
              • Utilizing the emotional abuse assessment referral form and emotional injury checklist as determined by how each region will implement the assessment protocol, which are located in the appendix of the Partnership for Services: A Manual of Collaboration for Kentucky's Social Service and Mental Health Agencies.​

          • DCBS makes all attempts to request an emotional injury assessment through an objective QMHP, who has no prior involvement with the family, for a determination regarding if the individual has suffered an emotional injury because of the abusive behaviors.
            • If an objective QMHP cannot be located, DCBS will notate any concerns found if the emotional injury assessment appears to show bias.
          • DCBS requests that the QMHP perform an an assessment that includes, but may not be limited to:

          • Background information/review of available records/phone consultation with the investigation SSW for information found during collateral contacts;

          • DCBS requests that the QMHP will make one of the following findings:
            • No emotional injury exists as related to the statutory definition;
            • No emotional injury exists but the victim is at risk of an emotional injury if the reported negative caretaker behavior continues as related to the statutory definitionabuse repr continues;
            • Emotional injury exists, as related to the statutory definition but is unable to determine the responsible caregiver's actions(s) act(s) that resulted in the identified injury; or
            • Emotional injury exists as related to the statutory definition as a result of the reported/alleged abusive behaviors.

          The QMHP submits the emotional injury assessment report in writing to SSW within thirty (30) days of receiving the referral from SSW along with recommendations for services for the child and family if needed.​

          • DCBS will notify the QMHP of any upcoming court dates and/or expectations if the court is requesting an assessment by a specific date.
          • ​Each region will develop a gatekeeping process that will consist of the service region administrative associate (SRAA)/service region clinical associate (SRCA) or designee to review the Emotional Injury Assessment Referral Form and Emotional Injury Checklist.
          • DCBS SSW and/or FSOS should complete one Emotional Abuse Checklist for each client as part of the referral process for an Emotional Injury Assessment. The DCBS emotional injury gatekeeper will review and approve the completed checklist and referral form and send it to the requesting SSW/FSOS.​
          • The SSW and/or FSOS can submit the following documentation when making a referral for an Emotional Injury Assessment:
            • ​​Emotional Injury Assessment Referral Form; 
            • Emotional Injury Checklist;
            • DPP-115  Confidential Suspected Abuse/Neglect, Dependency or Exploitation; ​and
            • DCBS-1 Informed Consent and Release of Information and Records  
          • The regional Kentucky Invoice Tracking System (KITS) approved payee can submit payments for emotional injury assessment as needed. If the SSW/FSOS receives an invoice for an emotional injury assessment, the invoice can be submitted through the regional KITS payment process.   

          1. Makes a determination, in consultation with the FSOS, whether or not emotionally abusive behaviors have occurred, or are likely to occur if the emotionally abusive behaviors continue, utilizing the emotional injury checklist abuse criteria; 1
          2. Offers services to the family, even if no abusive behaviors have occurred, when other risk factors concerns exist, or an aftercare plan negotiated with the family has deemed that services are appropriate;​
          3. Staffs the referral with the regional emotional injury gatekeeping process if emotionally abusive behaviors have occurred;
          4. If it is determined through consultation that an emotional injury assessment is required, complete the Emotional Injury Checklist and Emotional Injury Referral, and submit them through the regional gatekeeping process;
          5. Make any necessary referrals to gain a QMHP's opinion through an emotional injury assessment;
          6. Determines findings, as outlined in SOP 2.22 Making a Finding, Notifications, and Court Involvement; SOP 2.12 Completing the Assessment and Documentation Tool and Making a Finding; 
          7. Can offer services to the family if no emotional injury is found by the Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP), but other concerns remain;
          8. And family develop an aftercare plan, as needed, if there are no other risk issues that would lead to a case being opened;
          9. Will Can substantiate emotional injury risk of harm or find the family in need of services due to neglect if no injury is found, but  if the QMHP finds the victim is an emotionally injured child or is at risk of emotional injury if the abusive behaviors continue;
          10. Considers filing Files a petition, if the familiy is resistant to services, to ensure that the child is protected from danger and to ensure that recommendations made by the QMHP and the Division of Protection and Permanency (DPP) are followed by the family;
          11. Consults with the FSOS, if an injury is present or the child is found to be at risk of harm, to make a determination as to whom the perpetrator is, based on the information collected during the investigation including, but not limited to, the information obtained in the emotional injury assessment report;
          12. Sends a notification letter, as outlined in SOP 2.22 Making a Finding Notifications and Court Involvement.​ 2.13 Notification of Finding and Case Disposition, indicating the appropriate a substantiated finding; of emotional injury or if the family is found to be in need of services;  ​
          1. The SRAA/SRCA or designee reviews the SSW/FSOS request for an emotional injury assessment and provides feedback regarding whether or not moving forward with the assessment is warranted; and 
          2. The SRAA/SRCA or designee assists the SSW/FSOS in locating an objective QMHP (a provider with no prior involvement/interaction with the family).​​


          1. This outlines specific behaviors that are likely to result in emotional injury.
          2. If the reporting QMHP has already completed an emotional injury assessment, no additional assessment is required, but a written report must be sent to the SSW within thirty (30) days of the report being made to P&P