The decision to place the child with a relative or fictive kin caregiver is based on the child's needs and which setting is most suited to meet those needs. This will necessitate an assessment of the relative or fictive kin’s relationship and connection to the child.
The relative placement support benefit (RPSB) and fictive kin relative placement support benefits (FKRPSB) are provided one (1) time
to facilitate the placement of a child with a non-parental relative or fictive kin if it is determined that a child can no longer remain safely in their home or is in the custody of the Cabinet and residing in foster care due to abuse or neglect.
RPSB or FKRPSB is available at the initial relative, fictive kin placement when the relative, fictive kin or Cabinet is granted temporary custody of a child. Retroactive RPSB or FKRPSB payments will be made no further than ninety (90) days prior to June 2, 2017. and are not available if the child moves to a subsequent relative or fictive kin placement. Items purchased through RPSB or FKRPSB follow the child(ren).
1. Will complete the childcare memo when a child enters DCBS custody, and the caregiver has indicated that they will pursue relative, fictive kin foster parent approval; and
2. Will assess, as outlined in
SOP 12.29 Other Expenses, the family's eligibility for continued childcare after a caregiver becomes approved as a
relative, fictive kin foster parent.
B. DCBS obtains custody - relative or fictive kin pursues approval as a
relative, fictive kin child-specific foster home per
SOP chapter 12:
vi Upon approval as a relative, fictive kin child-specific foster home, the caregiver is eligible to receive the relative, fictive kin foster home child-specific foster home per diem;
vii. The caregiver may also choose to pursue approval as a basic DCBS foster home, if the caregiver would like to open their home to other non-familial children, and complete the requirements; and
viii. The caregiver agrees to pursue subsidized permanent custody, adoption of the child if the child cannot safely reunite with the birth or adoptive parent, or the caregiver may choose to pursue permanent custody. If permanent custody without subsidy agreements in place, is granted, the caregiver would be made aware that any per diem being provided would be discontinued.
8. If the child is placed through a safety prevention plan or in the custody of the Cabinet, the caregiver has ten (10) working days to complete the DPP-178 Relative and Fictive Kin Caregiver Acknowledgement Statement indicating their choice. Custody should not be given to a relative or fictive kin unless they have indicated that choice on the DPP-178;4
10. The caregiver obtains a copy of the DPP-1277 evaluation through open records. The SSW only completes section 2 if the family is receiving temporary custody.
11. The service array cannot be offered to biological parents whose rights have been terminated, or caregivers in Kentucky who are taking placement of a child(ren) via an Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) request.
12. If the relative or fictive kin caregiver decides to seek approval as a relative, fictive kin foster home, only section 1 of the DPP-1277 is required.
When children cannot remain safely in their home or origin, placing with a relative or fictive kin caregiver is the next least restrictive placement for children. Placing with relative and fictive kin caregivers has been shown to have better outcomes on the health and well-being of children involved in the child welfare system, as it helps to maintain family and community connection, and cultural traditions and minimizes the trauma of separation. The following standard of practice guides the Department for Community Based Services (DBS) when working with relative and fictive kin caregivers who have an active case with DCBS.
If, during the process of becoming approved, it is found that the family does not meet the statutory definition of fictive kin, the family will be required to complete non-familiar home study requirements, and DCBS will send a DPP-154A discontinuing the twelve-dollar($12.00) per day per diem. The child(ren) does not have to be moved from the home if this occurs.
- Upon the initial relative or fictive kin's receipt of temporary custody of the child, the SSW completes the Relative Placement Support Benefit (RPSB) and Fictive Kin Relative Support Benefits (FKRPSB) Payment Request form timely and emails the form to the Division of Administration and Financial Management (DAFM) at for payment directly to the relative or fictive kin. The relative or fictive kin should receive a payment within seven (7) to ten (10) working days. Payment requests cannot be made after twelve (12) months of the caregivers receiving temporary custody or the child entering into the Cabinet’s custody while the child(ren) is placed in their care.
The SSW/ Kinship Navigator:
3. Informs the potential relative or fictive kin caregiver immediately upon placement consideration that
a kinship navigator will be in contact with them to discuss their option to seek approval as a relative fictive foster parent or take temporary custody. They may apply to become a
relative fictive kin foster home while the child(ren) in their care is in the custody of the Cabinet; however, if they choose not to seek approval as a foster parent, they will not have the option to do this at a later time after they have received temporary custody;
4. Informs the potential relative or fictive kin caregiver of the two permanency options that the caregiver may pursue per the Kentucky Relative Caregiver Program Brochure, Relative and Fictive Kin Service Array Worksheet, and DPP-178 Relative and Fictive Kin Caregiver Acknowledgement Statement; 114.
- Relative or fictive kin Caregivers may be eligible for traditional benefits and supportive services, including but not limited to:
iii. The kinship navigator/SSW or FSOS submits a completed and signed copy of the DPP-178 Relative and Fictive Kin Caregiver Acknowledgement Statement to the R&C supervisor upon completion;
4. Advises the relative or fictive kin that the Cabinet must maintain custody of the child if the relative or fictive kin caregiver pursues foster, subsidized permanent custody (SPC) or adoption certification;
5. Advises the relative or fictive kin that financial assistance, outside of public benefits, is not available unless the caregiver is pursuing approval as a foster parent. and provides the Kentucky Relative Caregiver Program Brochure and Relative and Fictive Kin Service Array Worksheet;
6. Discusses the permanency options and provides the relative or fictive kin caregiver with the Kentucky Relative Caregiver Program Brochure, Relative and Fictive Kin Service Array Worksheet, and DPP-178 Relative and Fictive Kin Caregiver Acknowledgement Statement;
B. If the court date does not occur within ten (10) working days, the DPP-178 still must be signed within the ten (10) working day timeframe.
9. Advises the caregiver to complete the DPP-179 when the caregiver indicates on the DPP-178 that they intend to pursue foster care approval. The kinship navigator/SSW will submit the DPP-178 and DPP-179 to the billing specialist, and the SSW will upload the documents into TWIST;
1. The decision by the relative or fictive kin to pursue foster parent approval does not guarantee approval. The service array cannot be offered to biological or adoptive parents whose parental rights have been terminated, or caregivers in Kentucky who are taking placement of a child(ren) via an ICPC request
11. The service array cannot be offered to biological parents whose rights have been terminated, or caregivers in Kentucky who are taking placement of a child(ren) via an Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) request.
12. The RFKPSB can not be offered to biological or adoptive parents whose parental rights have been terminated.