5.2 Ongoing Services and Permanency for the Child Placed through Relative or Fictive Kin Placement



Practice Guidance

Upon the immediate placement of a child in a relative or fictive kin caregiver's home, the caregiver chooses which placement option best suits their family's needs. They may choose between two options:

  1. Caregiver obtains custody-relative or fictive kin caregiver is granted custody, guardianship, or power of attorney (POA); or 
  2. The Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) obtains custody-relative or fictive kin caregiver pursues approval as a relative ​fictive kin foster home per SOP Chapter 12.


For relatives or fictive kin caregivers who choose option one (1) (relative or fictive kin is granted custody, guardianship, or power of attorney (POA));

The SSW:
  1. Follows guidelines for case planning as outlined in SOP Chapter 3
  2. Follows guidelines for home visits as outlined in SOP Chapter 3
  3. Continuously assesses the safety of the child in the home and any identified high-risk patterns of behavior of the caregiver; 
  4. Provides or facilitates access to supportive services for the relative or fictive kin caregiver and the child to prevent placement disruption; 
  5. Completes the following tasks every six (6) months of the child's placement with the relative or fictive kin caregiver who has custody of the child: 1 
    1. Facilitates a meeting to review the child's case plan and placement; 
    2. Determines, with the family team, if permanent relative or fictive kin placement is in the best interest of the child; 
    3. Prepares a court recommendation pertaining to the permanent custody of the child when applicable; and 
    4. Requests that the case be re-docketed for court action to determine permanent custody pursuant to KRS 620.027
  6. Closes the case with the relative or fictive kin caregiver and child when: 
    1. Permanent custody has been granted to the relative or fictive kin caregiver; 
    2. The child has achieved reunification, guardianship, power of attorney, or other permanency; or 
    3. Once the petition has been filed by a relative or fictive kin caregiver and the court declines to grant permanent custody, unless the family has ongoing service needs. 
  7. Develops an aftercare plan with the relative or fictive kin caregiver outlining community supports, including contact information for the Kinship Support Hotline and KY FACES.2

For relatives or fictive kin caregivers who choose option two (2). 

The SSW: 
  1. Follows policy outlined in SOP 4.18 Ongoing Case Planning


  1. These tasks are completed at the twelfth (12th) month for kinship care cases.
  2. Kinship Support Hotline business cards may be printed from the Kinship Support Hotline Business Card Template in SOP 4.5.6; KY FACES may be accessed at the following address; https://prd.webapps.chfs.ky.gov/kyfaces/​



Upon the immediate placement of a child in a relative or fictive kin caregiver's home, the caregiver chooses which placement permanency option best suits their family's needs.

For relatives or fictive kin caregivers who choose option two (2). 

The SSW: 
  1. Follows policy outlined in SOP 4.18 Ongoing Case Planning