23.5 APS Case Closure


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​An adult protective services (APS) case is closed when:
  • The goals and objectives agreed upon by the SSW and the adu​lt have been achieved; 
  • The adult requests the case be closed; 
  • There is loss of contact with the adult for over sixty (60) days; 
  • The adult is deceased; or 
  • There is a lack of legal authority to obtain court ordered cooperation from the adult.

Practice Guidance


At the time of case closure the SSW:dd
  1. ​​Completes the adult assessment prior to case closure to determine if there are unmet needs; 
  2. Enters a closing summary within thirty (30) days of termination of services, which may include the aftercare plan; 
  3. Notifies the adult in writing ten (10) days prior to the termination of services; 
  4. Provides the adult a copy of the DPP-154A Notice of Intended Action notifying them of the impending case closure;
  5. Provides the adult a copy of the DPP-154 Protection and Permanency Service Appeal; and 
  6. ​​Offers to negotiate an aftercare plan with the adult. (Guidance for developing the aftercare plan can be found in SOP 7.5 APS Aftercare Planning).
