27.4 Case Planning



Practice Guidance

  • If the most recent adult assessment is over thirty (30) days old, a new assessment is required prior to the completion of the case plan.


The SSW:​

  1. Determines if the adult is eligible for general adult services after completion of the adult assessment and develops a case plan within fifteen (15) working days after FSOS approval of the adult assessment;
  2. Obtains the signature of the adult in need of services on the case plan once the adult agrees to the goals and objectives of the case plan;
  3. Documents the adult's decision to accept services, but not to sign the plan if the adult agrees to the goals and objectives, but chooses not to sign the case plan;
  4. Provides a copy of the case plan to the adult, and if the adult consents, a copy may be shared with others;
  5. Provides the adult who is requesting or being provided services with a copy of the DPP-154 Protection and Permanency Service Appeal;
  6. The SSW documents in contacts that a DPP-154 was given to the client;
  7. Updates the case plan every six (6) months or whenever a significant change occurs.
