27.6 Case Closure and Aftercare Planning



Practice Guidance

  • The aftercare plan is part of the case closure process, whether it is in the assessment function or the ongoing function of a case.


​The SSW:

  1. Closes the general adult services case when:
    1. The goals and objectives agreed upon by the SSW and the adult have been achieved;
    2. The adult requests the case be closed;
    3. There is loss of contact with the adult for over sixty (60) days; or
    4. The adult is deceased;
  2. Completes the adult assessment prior to case closure in order to determine if there are unmet needs; 
  3. Completes the following tasks if it is determined that the case is to be closed:
    1. Enters a closing summary within thirty (30) days of termination of services;
    2. Notifies the adult in writing ten (10) days prior to the termination of services; and
    3. Provides the adult with a copy of the DPP-154 Protection and Permanency Service Appeal, notifying them of the impending case closure;
  4. Does not complete an aftercare plan if the worker has lost contact with the adult or the adult has died;
  5. Completes an aftercare plan for an adult who accepts aftercare services when:
    1. An assessment has been completed, and the adult does not desire ongoing services; or
    2. The ongoing case is to be closed and there is contact with the adult;
  6. Develops the aftercare plan in agreement with the adult or the adult’s guardian to identify:
    1. The continuum of services needed or desired by the adult;
    2. The nature of the follow-up; and
    3. Who will provide the services;
  7. Uses the designated Aftercare Plan form when the adult chooses to have their  aftercare plan written and documents the following on the aftercare plan:
    1. Services with which the adult will follow through after the case is closed;
    2. Service providers identified to provide aftercare services; and
    3. If the plan was made verbally or in writing;
  8. Shares the aftercare plan with the care network, family or significant others at the request of the adult or guardian;
  9. Document’s with whom the adult chooses to share the plan and files a copy of the plan in the case record;
  10. Completes the following tasks if the adult chooses a verbal aftercare plan:
    1. Documents in the Conclusions section of the adult assessment the development of a verbal aftercare plan;
    2. Exercises caution when including verbal details of the plan into the adult assessment, since details may potentially place the adult at risk, if the information is subsequently requested through the open records process.


  1. Reviews the aftercare plan to ensure the SSW has identified all service needs and made appropriate referrals to meet the identified service needs.
