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Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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Recruitment and Certification of DCBS Foster and Adoptive Homes
12.2 Diligent Recruitment of Foster and Adoptive Home Parents
12.2.1 Region Budget for Recruitment
12.2.2 Printing of Recruitment Material
12.2.3 Recruitment Bonus
12.3 Foster and Adoptive Home Applicant Assessment
12.3.0 Foster and Adoptive Inquiry
12.3.1 Foster and Respite Home Parent Applicants-Employee
12.4 Background Checks for Foster and Adoptive Parents
12.4.1 Child Abuse/Neglect Central Registry and Fingerprint Checks for Resource Parents
12.4.2 Child Abuse/Neglect Central Registry Requests from Another State
12.5 Pre-Service Training Requirements for Foster and Adoptive Parent Applicants
12.6 Foster and Adoptive Home Parents Approved by Other States or Licensed Child Placing Agencies
12.7 Approval and Denial of Non-Familial Foster and Adoptive Homes
12.8 Approval and Denial of Relative and Fictive Kin Foster and Adoptive Homes
12.9 Foster Adoptive Home Case Management
General Provisions of Foster and Adoptive Homes
12.10 Rights/Responsibilities of DCBS Foster and Adoptive Home Parents
12.11 Number of Children in Foster Homes
12.11.1 Placement Exception Requests
12.12 Respite Care
12.13 Home Environment Prerequisites
12.14 Foster Home Adoption
12.15 Ongoing Training
12.16 Foster or Adoptive Home Re-Evaluation
12.17 Foster and Adoptive Home Reviews
12.18 Specialized Foster Care Services
12.18.1 Advanced Foster Home Approval
12.18.3 Medically Complex Home
12.18.4 Specialized Medically Complex Home
12.18.5 Care Plus Foster or Adoptive Home
12.19 Closure of a Foster or Adoptive Home and Reopening
12.20 111-A Foster Home Contract Supplement
12.21 Emergency Preparedness
12.22 Parenting Youth Supplement
Foster and Adoptive Homes Per Diem, Expenses and Reimbursements
12.24 Per Diem Rates (Including Specialized Foster Care)
12.25 Clothing Expenses
12.26 Medical Expenses
12.27 Transportation Expenses
12.28 Respite Expenses
12.29 Other Expenses
12.30 Supplemental Services Expenses
12.31 Property Damage
12.32 Special Expense Reimbursement for PCC or PCP Agency
12.33 Unpaid Expenses and Debt Collections
Standards of Practice Manual
12.18.5 Care Plus Foster or Adoptive Home
Effective: 6/14/2023
12.18.5 Care Plus Foster or Adoptive Home
Legal Authority
922 KAR 1:350 Requirements for public child welfare agency foster parents, adoptive parents, and respite care providers
922 KAR 1:495 Training requirements for foster parents, adoptive parents, and respite care providers for children in the custody of the cabinet
Practice Guidance
Practice Guidance
Although not a prerequisite for approval, it is suggested that a care plus applicant have one (1) year of experience as a foster parent.
The SSW may re-evaluate the child’s continued care plus status at the regularly scheduled case planning conferences based upon progress of the child or a change in the level of care (LOC) assignment.
The R&C Worker:
Follows the procedures outlined in
SOP 12.18 Specialized Foster Care Services
as well as the procedures listed below;
Determines whether the applicant is interested and possesses the aptitude to provide services to a care plus child;
Verifies that the primary caretaker:
Is willing to maintain a
DPP-130 Weekly Record of Events (WROE)
of a child's activities and behaviors;
Is willing and able to attend all case planning conferences;
Demonstrates access to available support services; and
Coordinates designated therapeutic needs provided by community resources;
Documents that the applicant completes and receives a certificate of completion for the twelve (12) hours of care plus training, beyond the pre-service family preparation training requirement in the following topic areas:
Specific requirements and responsibilities of a care plus foster home;
Crisis intervention and behavior management;
De-escalation techniques;
Communication skills;
Skill development;
Cultural competency;
The dynamics of a child who has experienced sexual abuse or human trafficking; and
The effect of substance use, abuse, or dependency by either the child or the child's biological parent;
Recommends approval or denial to the family services office supervisor (FSOS), to classify the foster or adoptive home as care plus upon completion of the additional training. The request includes:
An evaluation of the foster or adoptive home's participation in and knowledge gained from training, with consideration given to the following:
Trainer evaluation;
On-site observation by the recruitment and certification (R&C) worker;
Formal discussion with the family documented by the R&C worker; and
The parent’s plan and ability to meet the child’s needs if the primary care plus foster or adoptive home parent is employed outside the home;
Sends a letter to the foster or adoptive home informing the home of its approval/disapproval upon a decision by the FSOS;
The basic care plus rate to a foster or adoptive home approved to care for a child who has been approved by designated Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS/Cabinet) staff as care plus; or
The advanced care plus rate to a foster or adoptive home approved to care for a child who has been approved by designated Cabinet staff as care plus and who has one (1) year of experience as a care plus foster or adoptive home.
Unless approved with the
DPP 112A DCBS Placement Exception Request
by the service region administrator (SRA) or designee and the care plus home must consist of no more than the following:
A one (1) parent care plus foster or adoptive home does not care for more than one (1) care plus child;
A two (2) parent care plus foster or adoptive home does not care for more than two (2) care plus children; and
No more than four (4) children (including the care plus home parent's own children) may reside in care plus foster or adoptive home (Exceptions may be granted for a sibling group or with the approval of the SRA as outline in
SOP 12.11 Number of Children in Foster or Adoptive Home
Main Content
Relative Content
DPP-130 Care Plus Weekly Record of Events
DPP-112A DCBS Placement Exception Request
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6/14/2023 Deletion:
Although not a prerequisite for approval, it is suggested that a care plus applicant has:
Previously completed the child sexual abuse training, and
One year of experience as a foster parent.