G1.30 Student Co-op/Interns and Volunteer Programs



As part of many bachelor's degree programs, a student is required to have volunteer service prior to admission.  For example, a bachelor's degree in social work (BSW) typically requires a minimum of one hundred (100) hours of volunteer service prior to admission to the program.  Similarly, other professional human service degree programs require volunteer hours. 

For those students assessing if child welfare or adult services is a field that they may wish to study and eventually work in, a successful understanding of the system is necessary. The Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) wishes to foster the development of possible future child welfare and adult services staff, while at the same time protecting the safety and confidentiality of the children, families, and adults with whom we work. Through a centralized process, DCBS will ensure that appropriate candidates are selected to provide co-op/intern and volunteer services.

Successful transition into providing direct services in the field of child welfare requires a variety of knowledge and skills that can be fostered prior to ever being employed by the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS).

Students interns are not only provided an opportunity to acquire hands-on knowledge and skills but also an opportunity for the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (Cabinet/CHFS) to mentor individuals who recognize and share the importance of the Cabinet's mission and who may later choose to join the Cabinet.

Approval to complete a formal educational practicum may be granted to graduate and upper-class undergraduate students who are:

  • Attending an accredited college or university; and
  • Obtaining a primary degree in social work or a related degree as defined by the Council on Accreditation (COA). Students in a social work program must be from a college or university whose program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
The Cabinet recognizes five (5)  different types of students: 

  • Co-op/intern students; 
  • Child Welfare Prep (CW-PREP); 
  • Cabinet employees in the stipend master's degree program;
  • Cabinet employees who are students seeking a graduate or undergraduate degree in social work; and
  • Graduate or undergraduate students in social work or related fields as defined by COA.
Supervision is a vital learning process for all student interns. After the supervisor has determined that the student can handle routine situations, the student may be assigned duties similar to regular staff while under direct supervision of the practicum supervisor, provided it is not in conflict with the role of the student. Initial contacts with clients by students are only made while the student is in the presence of Cabinet staff assigned to work with the student.

The volunteer program is not a program for the general public to volunteer their services. 


Practice Guidance

  • When a division or service region or county receives a request from a prospective student to provide volunteer or co-op/internship services with DCBS the individual is provided an application packet that includes:
    • DPP-098 Student Intern/Volunteer Application;
    • Confidentiality Agreement; and
    • A copy of the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Handbook.
  • The appropriate division or service region within the Division of Service Regions (DSR) keeps on file the co-op intern's or volunteer's application, confidentiality agreement, and background checks until the completion of the placement period. 
  • Under no circumstances is an intern or volunteer accepted by the DSR the without the approval of the respective service region administrator, division director, or designee. 
  • If the student is completing a formal educational practicum: 
    • The student obtains the required signatures for the learning agreement from all involved parties (student, DCBS, faculty advisor, etc.).
    • The learning agreement includes:
      • The length of placement;
      • The geographic area to be served;
      • A written job description developed in conjunction with the student's faculty supervisor and their onsite supervisor; and
      • The development of an evaluation checklist that is agreed upon by the Cabinet, DCBS, or the division/service region and college or university, that includes expected goals, outcomes, and learned behaviors to be acquired by the student.
    • A copy of the learning agreement is to be maintained on file at the practicum site and is to be available for review by all involved parties.
  • ​A Master of Social Work (MSW) stipend participant may perform the same job tasks as an employee in a compatible role, and assignments are based on the student's knowledge skills, experience, and abilities. Based on the practicum experience, the student's role may be expanded to include program areas other than their assigned duties and responsibilities​
  • ​DCBS staff seeking a master's degree in social work through the MSW stipend or tuition assistance program may be assigned responsibilities beyond that of a student who is not an employee of the Cabinet.
  • Co-op/intern students may be assigned, based on knowledge, skills, and abilities, the following functions including, but not limited to:
    • Supportive services to resource families (foster and adoption homes);
    • Supportive services to committed children and families receiving services; or
    • Supportive efforts to the SSW who manages the case;
    • Accompany an SSW and assist with interviews and other tasks during the course of an investigation to determine; 
      • ​The severity of the allegation;
      • The presence of ongoing and serious substance abuse;
      • The occurrence of firearm use or the threat thereof; and
      • The exhibition of hostility toward DCBS staff (including threats or occurrence of assault to person or property); or​
    • ​Conduct research projects initiated by DCBS. 
  • Co-op/intern students are not to:
    • Use the names of clients served in oral or written communication except as it pertains to Cabinet business;
    • Assume sole responsibility for casework decisions and responsibilities;
    • Transport a client or child in the legal custody of the Cabinet;
    • Assume sole responsibility for supervision of minor children;
    • Conduct adult or child protective service investigations; or
    • Conduct general adult or alternate care assessments until the student intern has completed training in the program area and only under the supervision of the practicum supervisor.
  • If difficulties or problems are encountered during the placement all parties are to attempt to resolve the issue or problem. The region should discuss the problem or issue with the university's intern coordinator, and if the issue is unable to be resolved, it may be forwarded through the RLS for discussion with the university consortium.
  • The student, the student’s college or university, or the Cabinet, DCBS, or the service region may terminate the placement at any time. If different arrangements are needed to help fulfill a student intern's need for a formal practicum placement the person terminating the practicum is to give reasonable notice of the change of the practicum status unless the safety of children or families is involved.
  • The following degrees are considered generally accepted as an appropriate educational experience for human services professionals. These degrees require one (1) academic year of practicum experience as part of the educational training. Please refer to this list when determining eligibility for targeted case management (TCM) entries and Council on Accreditation (COA)-accepted degrees:
      • Social work;
      • Psychology;
      • Psychiatric nursing;
      • Psychiatry;
      • Mental health counseling;
      • Rehabilitation counseling;
      • Pastoral counseling;
      • Marriage and family therapy;
      • Human services;
    • Please note that due to the vast number of university programs, other related degrees may be applicable


  • Before accepting any co-op /intern or volunteer students, DSR ensures that a memorandum of understanding (MOU) exists between the Cabinet and the university or college, as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding Universities Listing
  • If an MOU does not exist with the university or college, DSR instructs the university to contact the Division of Administration and Financial Management (DAFM) (502-564-7463) if it wishes to develop an MOU.
  • The Cabinet, DCBS, and DSR follow the requirements outlined in the MOU.
  • To understand the requirements outlined in the MOU, DSR reviews the MOU boilerplate.
  • Students who choose to be paid for time spent in on-the-job learning while enrolled full-time in undergraduate or graduate school and who meet the criteria outlined in the Personnel Cabinet’s Coop/Intern Program Guidelines (and are approved for the program by the Personnel Cabinet) are considered co-op/intern students. Students who do not choose to be paid for time spent in on-the-job learning are considered student volunteers. 
  • Students seeking a co-op/intern or volunteer placement with the agency must contact DCBS directly or apply to a co-op/intern register posted on the Personnel Cabinet’s Career Opportunities website. 
  • Students will provide DSR, with whom they wish to be placed, a completed DPP-098 Student Intern/Volunteer Application.
  • The division director/service region administrator (SRA) or designee interviews the candidate and determines the student's appropriateness as a co-op/intern or student volunteer.
  • If the applicant is deemed acceptable (pending formal background check processes), the DSR inquires as to whether the student is interested in a co-op/intern or student volunteer placement. 

For a Co-op/Intern:
  • The division/service region submits the student’s resume and unofficial transcript to the Personnel Cabinet’s co-op/intern coordinator for review and approval to participate in the Co-op/Intern Program.
  • If approved, a formal personnel action is submitted to recommend the student for a co-op/intern position as an interim employee. 
  • The formal personnel action should include the following attachments: 
    • ​The approval email from the Personnel Cabinet for the student’s co-op/intern approval;
    • The student’s resume;
    • The student’s unofficial transcript; and
    • An Administrative Office of the Court (AOC) check, completed by the human resource specialist in the division/service region.
  • The division director/SRA or designee must review and approve all requests for the formal submission of a student as a co-op/intern interim recommendation. 
  • The DCBS Commissioner’s Office will complete a child abuse/neglect (CAN) check for each co-op/intern action submitted and a second AOC check.
  • The personnel action must be reviewed, and a determination regarding approval must be made by the DCBS budget-level approval authority, the DCBS commissioners office appointing authority, and the Office of Human Resource Management. 
  • The personnel action will be reviewed by the Personnel Cabinet for a final review and determination on approval. 
  • A minimum of ten (10) calendar days' notice will be provided on the personnel action for the effective date for the co-op/intern student. 

​For a Student Volunteer:
  • The human resource specialist in the division/service region completes an AOC check on the student.
  • The human resource specialist in the division/service region requests that a CAN check for the student be completed by the commissioner’s office human resource (HR) team.
  • The DPP-098 form and the completed AOC and CAN checks are provided to the division director/SRA or designee for formal review of the student as a volunteer. 
  • The division director/SRA or designee formally approves or denies the student’s request as a student volunteer.
  • The following information about the student volunteer is provided to the commissioner's office HR staff for monitoring and tracking purposes: 
    • Student volunteer’s name;
    • College/university they attend;
    • Date they began the internship;
    • Date they are scheduled to end the internship; 
    • Graduation date; and
    • Supervisor's name.
  • Once the co-op/intern or student volunteer begins the placement, the assigned supervisor assists the student with obtaining appropriate access to the network and email. 
  • If the student is completing a formal educational practicum, the Cabinet, DCBS or the division/service region develops with the student a written outline (learning agreement) of the objectives for the practicum.
  • The Cabinet, DCBS, or the division/service region provides the student with an orientation to the agency and to the standards of practice (SOP).
  • The supervisor is to:
      1. Avoid placing a student in situations that may be harmful to the student or the client;
      2. Ensure that the SSW who assists in the student's learning process supervises all home visits made by the student and that a report detailing the student's  strengths and weaknesses is provided to the supervisor;
      3. Report the progress of the student to their college or university faculty advisor;
      4. Discuss any concerns with the student;
      5. Provide the evaluation checklist and any other required paperwork to the student and their college or university faculty advisor; and
      6. Consult with the student's faculty advisor as needed or negotiated in the learning agreement.
  • The region should recognize that the student, while limited in the opportunities, should still have the opportunity to learn about DCBS and the field of child welfare and adult services. 
  • The region should facilitate meetings to provide information and answer questions for the student. 
  • It is strongly recommended that the student meet with the following:
      1. A select few SSWs;
      2. A select few family service office supervisors (FSOS);
      3. A service region clinical associate (SRCA) or service region administrative associate (SRAA); and
      4. An SRA.
  • The division director/SRA or designee notifies the commissioner's office HR staff upon the student's completion and/or termination of the co-op/intern or volunteer program. 
  • A formal personnel action must be submitted by the human resource specialist in the division/service region to end a student’s participation in the co-op/intern program.
  • Email notification to the commissioner’s office HR staff is sufficient notification for student volunteers.
  • Notification is in the form of an email or mailed letter.


  1. A student may conceivably be in a dual role of both a co-op/intern student and a CW-Prep. 
  2. Co-op/Intern students are permitted access to The Worker Information System (TWIST) as they are hired into interim positions within the agency.



Through a centralized process, DCBS will ensure that appropriate candidates are selected to provide co-op/intern and volunteer services. or intern services.

Student interns are not only provided an opportunity to acquire hands-on knowledge and skills but also an opportunity for the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (Cabinet/CHFS) to mentor individuals who recognize and share the importance of the Cabinet's mission and who may later choose to join the Cabinet.

Approval to complete a formal educational practicum may be granted to graduate and upper-class undergraduate students who are: 

The Cabinet recognizes five (5)  different types of students:  seeking a practicum: 

Co-op/intern students

Child Welfare Prep (CW-PREP) Public Child Welfare Certification Program (PCWCP)

The volunteer program is not a program for the general public to volunteer their services. The volunteer program is designed for those who are seeking a degree in social work or other related human service degree. 

  • When a division or service region or county receives a request from a prospective student to provide volunteer or co-op/internship services with DCBS Division of Protection and Permanency (DPP), the individual is provided an application packet that includes:​
  • The appropriate division or service region within the Division of Service Regions (DSR) keeps on file the co-op intern's or volunteer's application, confidentiality agreement, and background checks until the completion of the placement period. internship or volunteer period. 
  • Under no circumstances is an intern or volunteer accepted by the DSR the region without the approval of their respective service region administrator, division director, or designee.  DSR
  • ​If the student is completing a formal educational practicum: 
  • ​Co-op/intern students may be assigned, based on knowledge, skills, and abilities, the following functions similar to that of a support service aide including, but not limited to:

    • Transportation of children to health-related facilities or community resources, or children in the custody of the Cabinet, guardianship clients, wards of the state, or other clients as approved by the SRA or designee;​

  • Co-op/intern students are not toExcept as permitted for a CO-OP  or existing employee, the student intern is not to:
The region should discuss the problem or issue with the university's intern coordinator, and if the issue is unable to be resolved, it may be forwarded through the RLS RTC for discussion with the university consortium.

​The student, the student’s college or university, the Cabinet, DCBS, or the service region may terminate the placement at any time. If different arrangements are needed to help fulfill a student intern's need for a formal practicum placement are needed, the person making the arrangements or terminating the practicum is to give reasonable notice of the change of the practicum status unless the safety of children or families is involved.

  • If an MOU does not exist with the university or college, DSR instructs the university to contact the Division of Administration and Financial Management (DAFM) Division of Service Regions (502-564-7463) if it wishes to develop an MOU.​
  • Students who choose to be paid for time spent in on-the-job learning while enrolled full-time in undergraduate or graduate school and who meet the criteria outlined in the Personnel Cabinet’s Coop/Intern Program Guidelines (and are approved for the program by the Personnel Cabinet) are considered co-op/intern students. Students who do not choose to be paid for time spent in on-the-job learning are considered student volunteers. 
  • Students seeking a co-op/intern or volunteer placement with the agency must contact DCBS directly or apply to a co-op/intern register posted on the Personnel Cabinet’s Career Opportunities website. 
  • Students will provide DSR, with whom they wish to be placed, a completed DPP-098 Student Intern/Volunteer Application.
  • If the applicant is deemed acceptable (pending formal background check processes), the DSR inquires as to whether the student is interested in a co-op/intern or student volunteer placement. regional office submits the completed application packet from the prospective intern/volunteer to the:​
For a Co-op/Intern:
  • The division/service region submits the student’s resume and unofficial transcript to the Personnel Cabinet’s co-op/intern coordinator for review and approval to participate in the Co-op/Intern Program.
  • If approved, a formal personnel action is submitted to recommend the student for a co-op/intern position as an interim employee. 
  • The formal personnel action should include the following attachments: 
    • ​The approval email from the Personnel Cabinet for the student’s co-op/intern approval;
    • The student’s resume;
    • The student’s unofficial transcript; and
    • An Administrative Office of the Court (AOC) check, completed by the human resource specialist in the division/service region.
  • The division director/SRA or designee must review and approve all requests for the formal submission of a student as a co-op/intern interim recommendation. 
  • The DCBS Commissioner’s Office will complete a child abuse/neglect (CAN) check for each co-op/intern action submitted and a second AOC check.
  • The personnel action must be reviewed, and a determination regarding approval must be made by the DCBS budget-level approval authority, the DCBS commissioners office appointing authority, and the Office of Human Resource Management. 
  • The personnel action will be reviewed by the Personnel Cabinet for a final review and determination on approval. 
  • A minimum of ten (10) calendar days' notice will be provided on the personnel action for the effective date for the co-op/intern student. 

​For a Student Volunteer:
  • The human resource specialist in the division/service region completes an AOC check on the student.
  • The human resource specialist in the division/service region requests that a CAN check for the student be completed by the commissioner’s office human resource (HR) team.
  • The DPP-098 form and the completed AOC and CAN checks are provided to the division director/SRA or designee for formal review of the student as a volunteer. 
  • The division director/SRA or designee formally approves or denies the student’s request as a student volunteer.
  • The following information about the student volunteer is provided to the commissioner's office HR staff for monitoring and tracking purposes: 
    • Student volunteer’s name;
    • College/university they attend;
    • Date they began the internship;
    • Date they are scheduled to end the internship; 
    • Graduation date; and
    • Supervisor's name.

  • Division of Service Regions
    275 E. Main, 3C-A
    Frankfort, KY 40621
  • The region's personnel liaison submits to Office of Human Resource Management (OHRM) a request for an Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) check.
  • The Division of Service Regions completely processes the application and completes a child abuse or neglect (CA/N) check in thirty (30) calendar days or less.
  • Upon completion of processing the application materials, the DSR notifies the SRA or designee of the approval/denial of the application.
  • The SRA or designee then formally accepts or denies a candidate for a student internship or as a student volunteer.
  • The DCBS staff supervising the intern ensures that he/she is present when the intern is accessing TWIST.
  • A formal personnel action must be submitted by the human resource specialist in the division/service region to end a student’s participation in the co-op/intern program.
  • Email notification to the commissioner’s office HR staff is sufficient notification for student volunteers.
  • Notification is in the form of an email or mailed letter.

1.  A student may conceivably be in a dual role of both a co-op/intern student and a CW-Prep PCWCP student. The CO-OP student is paid for the hours they are working as a Cabinet employee; however, the PCWCP student who is completing a practicum and simultaneously attending Cabinet training sessions does not receive a salary during the PCWCP participation. The responsibilities of a CO-OP student and PCWCP student are two (2) completely separate functions and close supervision should occur so that a student complies with the respective obligations during the practicum.

2.  Co-op/intern students are permitted access to The Worker Information System (TWIST) as they are hired into interim positions within the agency.Individual account access to The Worker Information System (TWIST) is not permitted.