G1.34 Community Action Agencies


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Community Action Kentucky (CAK) is a state wide association that represents twenty-three (23) community action agencies (CAA) to provide direct services to Kentuckians who have low to moderate incomes, in all 120 counties. Services provided for individuals and families include:

  • Education; 
  • Housing; 
  • Food assistance; 
  • Energy assistance; 
  • Child care; 
  • Family preservation/reunification; and 
  • ​Many other needs. 

Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC) contracts with Community Action Kentucky (CAK) and the twenty-three (23) CAAs for delivery of weatherization services. Weatherization services may include many services that will enable low income families to decrease their utility bills.​

The Cabinet partners with CAK and the twenty-three (23) CAAs to operate the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to assist families and individuals when a need for energy assistance arises.

When a family is in need of energy assistance for heating, the SSW advises the family to contact their local CAA to inquire about their eligibility to receive LIHEAP services. DCBS also has the ability to refer a family to LIHEAP, if the family has an open case with the agency. It is important to note that, in accordance with 921 KAR 4:116, DCBS referred families are only eligible to receive LIHEAP services, if there are children involved and if the energy assistance will:

  • Prevent the removal of the child from the family; or 
  • Assist in reuniting a child with the family.

Practice Guidance


  1. When a SSW considers removing an at risk child due to the conditions of the dwelling, the SSW may make a referral to Kentucky’s Weatherization Assistance Program by: 
    1. Completing the DPP-1299 Referral for Emergency Weatherization Program; 
    2. Forwarding the completed DPP-1299-Referral for Emergency Weatherization Program to the local community action agency providing weatherization services; and 
    3. Documenting on the assessment the weatherization need that resulted in the referral. 
  2. If the SSW does not receive a response from the local community action agency providing weatherization services in a timely manner, the SSW may make a follow-up telephone call to the agency.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The SSW:
  1. Explores all local resources for heating assistance, including checking the availability of LIHEAP funds through CAA office, before referring the family for the service through DCBS; 
  2. Completes the Protection and Permanency LIHEAP Assistance Funds Eligibility Determination for P&P Clients form, once it has been determined that there are no other services available for assistance; 
  3. Submits the form to the FSOS who then forwards the information on to the SRA or designee; 
  4. Places a copy of the request, if approved, in the hard copy file. 
  5. The SRA or designee in each region is responsible for tracking LIHEAP approvals and denials using the Region Log for LIHEAP Energy Assistance Funds for P&P Clients form, and sending it to the statewide LIHEAP liaison with the Division of Administrative and Financial Management (DAFM) in central office, by the 15th day of each month, either via e-mail or the address below:

    CHFS-DAFM Director’s Office
    275 East Main Street, 3W-B
    Frankfort, KY 40621 

  6. The SRA or designee indicates on the Region Log for LIHEAP Energy Assistance Funds for P&P Clients: 
    1. A specific purpose for the request; 
    2. Documents, in the "reason for Request/Comments" section that the funds are being used to:
      1. Prevent removal of a child; or 
      2. To assist in reunification of a child with the family; and 
    3. Submits documentation of each transaction, in the form of a receipt or bank statement, with the form.

Related Information

  • ​​DCBS referred LIHEAP funds are available for use on current and past due heating bills or deposits on utilities used for heating purposes. 
  • Families may be eligible to receive a maximum benefit of $300 during each federal fiscal year (October 1 through September 30). 
  • The funds are only available from November through March. 
  • Checks are made out and paid directly to vendors, never to an individual. 
  • Checks not cashed by the vendor within ninety-five (95) days will be voided and returned. 
  • If a family is in need of cooling assistance, they can apply for that through the local CAA office.​​​​​​​
