10.26 Request for Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Approval for Post Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) Placements


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​For children registered with the Kentucky Adoption Program Exchange (KAPE), the child's SSW, the FSOS, the Child-Focused Recruitment Model (CFRM) staff, and other individuals as needed obtain and reviewsthe family’s home study and the home study agency’s license to determine if the requirements of 922 KAR 1:100 and agency requirements for out of state families are met. As outlined in SOP 10.5 Request to Place a Kentucky Child in Another State for Foster Care or Adoption, children who are post-termination of parental rights (TPR) regardless of their KAPE status, are initially placed with families as a foster placement to:

  • Ensure adequate transition planning;
  • Allow for a period of adjustment; and 
  • Ensure that all needed services are in place for the child and family. 

Practice Guidance


  1. ​​For children registered with KAPE, the Adoption Services Branch staff sends a copy of the home study, and the home study review form to the child's SSW and  CFRM specialist along with other members of the adoptive review committee.
  2. The child's adoptive review committee (the SSW, CFRM specialist, and a third (3rd) party) evaluates the prospective adoptive family's ability to meet the child's needs. 
  3. A member of the child's adoption review committee notifies the Adoption Services Branch staff that the family is a match for the child. 
  4. Staff can proceed with the pre-placement conference as outlined in SOP 13.4 Matching an Adoptive Family with a Waiting Child to ensure that all relevant information has been shared regarding the child and that everyone is in agreement to move forward with the referral. However, no visitation or contact can take place until both states have signed the ICPC-100A Interstate Co​mpact on the Placement of Children Request.
  5. The SSW follows the process in SOP 10.25 Obtaining an Out-of-State Home Study​ if a referral is requested by an out-of-state worker. 
  6. The ICPC compact administrator negotiates the purchase of service once the child is ready to be placed with the family as an adoptive placement signifying that the placement is stable,​ and the family is ready to sign the Adoptive Placement Agreement. 1
  7. The ICPC compact administrator confirms the agreement in writing and provides the agency with the steps for billing once the fees for services are established. 2
  8. The SSW completes the interstate packet and sends it to Kentucky's ICPC compact administrator via TWIST when the family accepts the referral and the Purchase of Services Letter has been signed by all parties. Please refer to SOP 10.25 Obtaining an Out-of-State home Study for detailed information regarding the interstate packet. 3
  9. There can be no contact between out-of-state families and youth in out-of-home care (OOHC) until the ICPC request has been approved by both states. The only circumstance when contact may be permitted is if the out-of-state placement is a relative. These situations are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and are staffed with the ICPC compact administrator. The visit must specify a start date, and end date, and must be approved by the receiving state. 4

Upon completion and approval of the ICPC-100A:
  1. The ICPC coordinator notifies the SSW of the action taken either approving or denying the child’s placement with the out-of-state adoptive family; and 
  2. The SSW completes plans with the out-of-state family’s worker for travel to the pre-placement conference, initial meeting, and visit with the child.


  1. Fees are negotiated but cannot exceed more than five thousand dollars ($5000)/twenty-five hundred dollars ($2500) for first and subsequent children (for siblings being placed together).  
  2. The ICPC compact administrator must maintain the original invoice and a narrative with the child's name, DOB, Kentucky Department for Community Based Services (Department/DCBS) case number, and an itemized list of dates that services were provided to the child;
  3. The ICPC coordinator can be reached at CHFS.Interstate@ky.gov.
  4. Prior to any information regarding the child being shared with a potential adoptive family, the SSW shall discuss the confidentiality of shared information and have the family sign the DPP-171 Notice​ of Confidentiality Requirements Acknowledgement Cover Sheet and DPP-171A Verbal Exchange of Information Acknowledgement Form ​in accordance with SOP 13.17 Planning the Placement/Pre-Placement Conference and SOP 13.4 Matching and Adoptive Family with a Waiting Child



​8/8/23 Addition: 

4. Staff can proceed with the pre-placement conference as outlined in sop 13.4 to ensure that all relevant information has been shared regarding the child and that everyone is in agreement to move forward with the referral.  However, no  visitation/contact can take place until both states have signed the ICPC-100A Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children Request.​

6.  The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) compact administrator negotiates the purchase of service once the child is ready to be placed with the family as an adoptive placement meaning that the placement is stable and the family is ready to sign the Adoptive Placement Agreement. 1​