Pre-placement conferences are not required for foster parent adoptions, as the pre-placement conference may occur at the same time the adoptive placement agreement is signed for planned foster parent adoptions. Required appropriate procedures are described in SOP 13.13.1 DCBS Foster Parent Adoption and SOP 13.13.2 Private Child-Placing (PCP) Foster Parent Adoption. Adoptive pre-placement conferences are required for all children who are not being adopted by their foster parents. Participation in the conference does not obligate either the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS/Cabinet) or the family to proceed with the placement. The adoptive pre-placement conference chairperson is selected from the potential adoptive family's service region. The adoptive pre-placement conference may serve as a periodic review if the agenda includes the appropriate topics, a third (3rd) party is present, and the required items are documented.
The Cabinet plays a strategic role from when the child begins transitioning to the adoptive family, the DPP-195 Adoptive Placement Agreement is signed, and until the adoption is finalized. post placement phase of adoption. The family should continue to receive help in continually assessing their adjustment and their feelings, and to recognize and deal with potential problems. In addition to the support that the Cabinet can provide, the SSW can link the family with appropriate community providers. The managed care organization (MCO) can also be a valuable resource during this time. Through the use of supportive services as outlined in 922 KAR 1.400 Supportive Services, the family can identify and manage stress before it reaches crisis proportions, and the adoption can often be stabilized and maintained.
The agency, in partnership with the family, must conscientiously develop a network of post- placement service providers in the community and help to link the family with the most appropriate service providers.