13.10.1 Updating the Presentation Summary



Practice Guidance


​​The SSW:
  1. Updates the presentation summary packet and attachments annually;1
  2.  Updates the presentation summary narrative when a: 
    1. Foster parent no longer wishes to adopt the child and a search for an adoptive home is necessary; 
    2. Significant change in the child’s situation occurs; 
    3. Child is very young and changes in development occur frequently; and 
    4. Child’s adoptive placement disrupts. A new category, "Adoption Disruption," is added to the existing presentation summary narrative when a child’s adoptive placement is disrupted. This category includes: 
      1. The history of the adoptive placement; 
      2. Problems that occurred; and 
      3. Services that were rendered; 
  3. Signs and dates all presentation summary updates; 
  4. Reviews the materials for completeness within five (5) working days of the update and retains a copy in the case file; and
  5. Uploads the presentation summary narrative and all supporting documentation into TWIST. These documents are uploaded in the child’s agency case under the records/documents tab by selecting the adoption section and the form description presentation summary and attachments.
  6. Maintains the hard copy documents from the presentation summary packet in a secure location until they are ready to be shared with the family’s adoption attorney or sent to the receiving region for agency transfers involving foster parent adoptions. Examples of hard copy documents include the original birth certificate, certified termination of parental rights (TPR) order, and the original Social Security card (if applicable).  


  1. Child Focused Recruitment Model (CFRM) specialists will update the presentation summary packet of each assigned case, as part of the initial file mining process. If the case does not have a presentation summary at the time the case is assigned to the specialist, the specialist  will develop one. The specialist will be responsible for updating the presentation summary packet on an ongoing basis as long as the case remains active with CFRM.​




6.  Uploads the presentation summary narrative and all supporting documentation into TWIST. These documents are uploaded​ in the child’s agency case under the records/documents tab by selecting the adoption section and the form description presentation summary and attachments.
7.  Maintains the hard copy documents from the presentation summary packet in a secure location until they are ready to be shared with the family’s adoption attorney or sent to the receiving region for agency transfers involving foster parent adoptions. Examples of hard copy documents include the original birth certificate, certified termination of parental rights (TPR) order, and the original Social Security card (if applicable).  

8.  Attaches a copy of the case recording documenting case activity from the date of adoptive placement to the present;