13.13.3 Foster Parent Adoption Not Recommended



Practice Guidance

  • The foster parent is informed of their right to submit a request to the service region administrator (SRA) or designee for reconsideration of adoption for a particular child. The foster parent may also request a meeting with the SRA or designee.​


  1. All appropriate parties address the issues of concern with the FSOS when the request to adopt is not deemed to be in the child’s best interest. 
  2. The FSOS, recruitment and certification (R&C) worker, the child's worker, and private child placing (PCP) case manager discuss the concerns and assess if the concerns can be mitigated through an action plan with the family, and evaluate how a potential move may impact the child. 
  3. If the concerns cannot be resolved, the SRA or designee decides if continued placement in the home is in the child’s best interest. 1
  4. The SSW, R&C worker, and PCP worker (if applicable) meet with the foster parent to share the reasons why the adoption was not recommended. The child’s SSW submits a memorandum to the SRA or designee​ within ten (10) working days after the meeting, if the foster parent requests reconsideration. The memo should summarize the meeting, the staff involved, the strengths of the family, and reasons the foster parent adoption is not recommended. 
  5. The SRA or designee makes a decision regarding foster parent adoption within ten (10) working days of receipt of the memorandum from the SSW.​


  1. If the foster family resides in another region, the two (2) SRAs consult on the status of the situation. If the SRAs cannot reach an agreement regarding how to proceed, the concerns are elevated to the director of the Division of Service Regions. ​




2.  The FSOS, recruitment and certification (R&C) worker, the child's worker, and private child placing (PCP) case manager discuss the concerns and assess if the concerns can be mitigated through an action plan with the family, and evaluate how a potential move may impact the child. 

  1. ​If the foster family resides in another region, the two (2) SRAs consult on the status of the situation. If the SRAs cannot reach an agreement regarding how to proceed, the concerns are elevated to the director of the Division of Service Regions. ​