- Contacts the family When the youth becomes age seventeen (17) provides the family with initial information concerning the SSA and/or MRT review process. A review is only applicable for title IV-E subsidy. Please see the Subsidy Extension due to Medical Disability Letter.
- For youth who have a signed Adoptive Placement Agreement on or after their sixteenth (16th) birthday, the family is informed (when the youth is age seventeen (17) years, nine (9) months) that the youth may be eligible for continued adoption assistance up to age twenty-one (21) if the youth meets at least one (1) of the below criteria:
- Completing secondary education or a program leading to an equivalent credential;
- Enrolled in an institution that provides post-secondary or vocational education;
- Participating in a program or activity designed to promote or remove barriers to employment; or
- Employed for at least eighty (80) hours per month.
2. Ensures the adoptive family provides verification of eligibility for extended subsidy benefits once every six (6) months as outlined below: 1- Secondary, post-secondary or vocational education;
- Class or course schedule;
- Report card, grades;
- Enrollment verification, school letter, acceptance letter, instructor or trainer letter;
- Class, course payment, tuition verification, loan verification;
- Certification of attendance.
- Program or activity to promote or remove barriers:
- Participation confirmation via letter or listing of topics or activities covered;
- Certification of attendance.
- Employment:
- Employer verification letter;
- Paystub;
- W-2.
4. Provides the DPP-601 Referral for Determination of Disability to Continue IV-E Funded Adoption Assistance, MRT-15 Procedural Instructions, and MRT-15 Release of Information, at the request of the adoptive family,
for continuation of subsidy through the age of twenty-one (21) based on the youth's disability;
. The family only needs to provide one form of documentation and not all items listed as examples.