The Kentucky Adoption Profile Exchange (KAPE) was established to facilitate permanency and adoptive placements for children. Children shall be referred to the Adoption Services Branch to be registered with KAPE if the below factors are met. The referral should be made at the the tome of the termination of parental rights (TPR). Service regions are responsible for establishing and documenting protocol for KAPE referrals including which staff are responsible for completing the referral within the specified timeframes. Regions are also responsible for developing a plan for disseminating this protocol to field staff.1
5. Updating KAPE as necessary including changes in the family’s commitment to the child, the child’s permanency goal, custody status, etc..
- If the child has not been previously referred to the CFRM, a referral should be made to both KAPE and the CFRM at the time of TPR. The referral is made within thirty (30) calendar days if the child’s placement, which had previously been identified as an adoptive placement, disrupts or the adoptive parent(s) change their decision about adopting the child.
Children may only be placed on hold for ninety (90) days six (6) months. If additional time is needed, an updated memorandum must be approved by the Adoption Services Branch Manager. SRA or designee and submitted to the KAPE specialist.
The KAPE specialist receives notification that an adoptive family is actively engaged in the adoption process and working with the has been identified and the child's adoption review committee in moving forward with the adoption process and fini with the identified adoptive family. KAPE central office staff receives a signed DPP-198 Intent to Adopt or the DPP-195 Adoptive Placement Agreement for an adoption that will be finalized.
5. Updating the KAPE
specialist within five (5) calendar days following any changes in the child's status such as as necessary including changes in the family’s commitment to the child, the child’s permanency goal, custody status, etc.; and
6. Updating the KAPE specialist on the action plan and current status of the youth following monthly visits if a HOLD has been approved as described above.
Examples of active engagement include participation in a pre-placement conference, having transitional visits with the youth, meeting with recruitment and certification (R&C) regarding subsidy completion, etc