P. Answering the child’s questions about adoption and about the child's past, and explore sample statements to determine the impact of those statements on the child;
- Completes the presentation summary packet and gives one redacted copy to R&C to be given to the adoptive family. THhe original packet is uploaded into TWIST in the child's agency. Hard copy documents from the presentation summary packet such as original birth certificates, certified TPR orders, and the original social security card (if applicable) should be maintained in a secure location until the documents are ready to be shared with the family’s adoption attorney or sent to the receiving region for agency case transfers involving foster parent adoptions. the original packet and one copy to the foster family’s R&C worker. (Please refer to SOP 13.2 Child Freed for Adoption Procedure and SOP 13.10 Preparing the Presentation Summary Packet.
Completes the enter/exit screens in twist within 5 working days and ensures that the 195, and the adoption assistance contracts (1258, 1258A, 1258C, and 1258D) are uploaded into the provide case where they can also be accessed by, the children's benefit worker (CBW), and the adoption billing specialist; 4
10. After the adoption is finalized, ensures the following documentation has been uploaded into TWIST. The presentation summary and attachments will need to be uploaded into the agency case before sealing the case. All other documents will be uploaded in the provide case.5 sends the foster parent adoption referral packet to the Division of Administration and Financaial Mangement (DAFM) Records Management Section (275 E Main St, 3E-G, Frankfort, KY 40621) The packet contains:
G. Copy of the family's annual training record and background check (DPP-157 form or the KY KARES final results from for each adoptive parent);
I. Presentation summary narrative and packet of documents.
4. The worker explains to the family that the adoption petition shall not be filed until the APA has been signed.
5. The case super structure button links the agency or case of origin to the provide household management screen where all case records/documents can be viewed.