13.19 Making the Adoptive Placement


​​​​​The adoptive placement occurs when all parties—the child, the adoptive parents, and the workers—are ready. The adoptive parents have been able to help the child successfully transition by being flexible with parenting techniques and their expectations of the child’s behaviors and adjustment to the move. Additionally, the child is demonstrating positive behaviors, such as leaving possessions at the adoptive home and beginning to focus on the future. Kentucky Adoption Program Exchange (KAPE) specialists are available upon request for consultation regarding actual placement decisions.

For children moving to new adoptive families, the signing of the adoptive placement agreement and the physical move of self and belongings is the culmination of the pre-placement process. Once the placement agreement is signed, the recruitment and certification (R&C) worker is responsible for providing regular support and case management counseling services to the child and adoptive family during the period prior to the legal finalization of the adoption. 

42 U.S.C. 675 requires that periodic reviews for children continue until the adoption judgment has been granted by circuit court.

Practice Guidance

  • ​​All parties, including the child, are informed of the official placement date in advance. ​


  1. The SSW and/or the child-focused recruitment model (CFRM) specialist are present at the time the child says goodbye to the foster family and ensure that the child receives all of his/her belongings.​
The SSW:
  1. Assesses the child’s behavior to determine his/her readiness for placement; 
  2. Provides all related information necessary to ensure the continuity of health, educational, and psychological care of the child;
  3. Along with the prospective adoptive parent(s) sign the DPP-195 Adoptive Placement Agreement, on the date of placement, and forward the document to the R&C worker on the date of placement; 
  4. Works with the FSOS to transfer Forwards the child’s case record, within ten (10) working days, to the worker who assumes case responsibility for the child if not already done: ; Informs the adoptive family of their rights as custodian of the child to request a fair hearing on behalf of the child if they have dissatisfaction with services when the child is placed with the adoptive family and the DPP-195-Adoptive Placement Agreement is signed; 

The R&C worker: 

  1. Signs the DPP-195 Adoptive Placement Agreement, distribute copies to the adoptive family and KAPE specialist, and upload the DPP-195 Adoptive Placement Agreement into TWIST within five (5) working days;
  2. Contacts the family by phone within twenty-four (24) hours after placement to obtain an update on the child and family;
  3. Makes a face-to-face visit with the child and adoptive family no later than three (3) working days after placement; 
  4. Contacts the family weekly during the first month of placement and visit with the child and adoptivie family in the family’s home at least once  monthly until the adoption is finalized; 3
  5. Consults, by phone, with the child’s SSW concerning significant problems in the child's adjustment; 
  6. Assists the family in accessing support services, counseling, support groups, parenting classes, medical services, foster/adoptive parent mentors, daycare, respite care, residential care, etc.; 
  7. Reviews the Department for Community Based Servies (DCBS) corporal punishment policy with the family and discuss alternate methods of discipline; 
  8. Ensures that the post-adoption assistance agreement and the non-recurring expense agreement, if applicable, are approved and signed; 
  9. Guides the family to assist with the finalization of the adoption after a period of adjustment; and
  10. Advises the adoptive family that participation in case planning conferences and permanency hearings is required until the adoption is finalized.


  1. The adoptive family is given instructions on how to apply for the child's new social security number. A copy is uploaded into TWIST with the presentation summary packet.  
  2. An exception may be made by the FSOS for foster parent adoption. 
  3. An exception may be made by the FSOS for foster parent adoption. The child is interviewed privately during each visit. More frequent visitation may be necessary (every two (2) weeks) when serious adjustment problems are occurring.



The adoptive parents are displaying claiming behaviors have been able to help the child successfully transition by being flexible with parenting techniques and their expectations of the child’s behaviors and adjustment to the move.​

Once the placement agreement is signed, the recruitment and certification (R&C) worker is responsible for providing regular support and case management counseling services to the child and adoptive family during the period prior to the legal finalization of the adoption. 

Private child placing (PCP) agencies that are licensed to provide adoption services may do so by contract.

Adoptive parents of children whose birth parents’ parental rights have been terminated must participate fully with the Cabinet in the development of the case plan by identifying their perception of the child’s individualized needs as well as barriers to finalization of the adoption. Adoptive parents are notified of all conferences and notification includes information on the purpose, time, location and attendees. Adoptive parents have the right to legal counsel at these proceedings.

  1. The SSW and/or the child-focused recruitment model (CFRM) specialist FSOS are present at the time the child says good-bye to the foster family and ensure that the child receives all of his/her belongings.​
​​3.  Along with the prospective adoptive parent(s) sign five (5) originals of the DPP-195 Adoptive Placement Agreement, ​on the date of placement, forward the document to the R&C worker, and forward the document to the R&C worker on the date of placement; ​

4. Writes the child’s full legal name and case number in the upper right hand corner of the central office copy for identification purposes; 2​ 

​5.  Works with the FSOS to transfer Forwards the child’s case record, in TWIST,  within ten (10) working days, to the worker who assumes case responsibility for the child if not already done. Informs the adoptive family of their rights as custodian of the child to request a fair hearing on behalf of the child if they have dissatisfaction with services when the child is placed with the adoptive family and the DPP-195-Adoptive Placement Agreement is signed; 
6.  And the R&C worker sign the agreement and distribute copies within five (5) working days to the: 
    1. Adoptive family; 
    2.  Children’s benefits worker; and 
    3. Adoption Services Branch specialist.

The R&C worker: 

  1. Signs the Adoptive Placement Agreement, distributes copies to the adoptive family and KAPE specialist, and upload the DPP-195 Adoptive Placement Agreement into TWIST within five (5) working days;
  2. Contacts the family by phone within twenty-four (24) hours after placement to obtain an update on the child and family; 
  3. Makes a face-to-face visit with the child and adoptive family no later than three (3) working days after placement; 
  4. Contacts the family weekly during the first month of placement and visit with the child and adoptivie family in the family’s home at least once  monthly until the adoption is finalized; 3
  5. Consults, by phone, with the child’s SSW concerning significant problems in the child's adjustment; 
  6. Assists the family in accessing support services, counseling, support groups, parenting classes, medical services, foster/adoptive parent mentors, daycare, respite care, residential care, etc.; 
  7. Reviews the Department for Community Based Servies (DCBS) corporal punishment policy with the family and discuss alternate methods of discipline; 
  8. Ensures that the post-adoption assistance agreement and the non-recurring expense agreement, if applicable, are approved and signed; 
  9. Provides guidance to the family to assist with the finalization of the adoption after a period of adjustment; and
  10. Advises the adoptive family that participation in case planning conferences and permanency hearings is required until the adoption is finalized.

  1. The adoptive family is given instructions on how to apply for the child's new social security number. A copy is uploaded into TWIST with the presentation summary packet.  filed in the child's case record.​​
  2. An exception may be made by the FSOS for foster parent adoption. 
  3. An exception may be made by the FSOS for foster parent adoption. The child is interviewed privately during each visit. More frequent visitation may be necessary (every two (2) weeks) when serious adjustment problems are occurring.