13.36 Alternative Placements When Disruption Becomes the Plan


The alternative placement chosen following adoption disruption must best meet the needs of the child.​

Practice Guidance

  • ​​The recruitment and certification (R&C) worker/private child placing (PCP) provider: Helps the family prepare to tell the child that the placement is ending.​


The SSW:
  1. Considers the following alternatives in making a placement decision for a child after an adoption disruption: 
    1. Another adoptive family; 
    2. A foster/adoptive family; 
    3. Foster care; or 
    4. Residential care; 
  2. Supports the child as much as possible during this time and asks questions aimed at bringing out the child’s feelings; Attempts to make the disruption a learning experience.
The recruitment and certification (R&C) worker/private child placing (PCP) provider:
  1. Helps the family prepare to tell the child that the placement is ending.

