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Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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Initial Considerations Prior to Removal
4.1 Consideration of Race and Ethnicity/Maintaining Cultural Connections
4.2 Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
4.3 Relative and Absent Parent Search
4.6 Parenting Youth in Foster Care
Foster Care Placement Administrative Section
4.9 Initial Placement Considerations
4.10 Placement in a DCBS Foster or Adoptive Home
4.10.1 DCBS Care Plus
4.10.2 DCBS Medically Complex Placement
4.10.4 Relative or Fictive Kin Pursuing Foster Home Approval
4.11 Private Child Placing (PCP) or Child Caring (PCC) Agency
4.11.1 Level of Care Assignment
4.11.2 Request for Emergency LOC Assignment
4.11.3 Reviews of LOC Assignment
4.11.4 Change in LOC Assignment
4.12 Out of State Placement
4.13 Alternative Placements
Opening a Foster Care Case and Developing the Case Plan
4.14 Timeframes for All Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) Cases
4.15 Family Attachment and Involvement
4.16 Participants and Notification for All OOHC Cases
C7.16 Preparation for and Completion of the Ten (10) Day Conference
4.18 Ongoing Case Planning
4.19 Visitation Agreement
4.20 Assessing and Maintaining Sibling Relationships
4.21 Safe Infants Act
Ongoing OOHC Service Provision
4.24 SSW's Ongoing Contact with the Child and Family, Including the Medically Complex Child
4.26 Meeting Basic Health Care Needs
4.26.1 Medical Passport
4.26.2 Authorization for Medical Services
4.26.3 Standardized Screening and Assessment for Children in Out of Home Care
4.26.4 Passport Health Plan
4.26.5 Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)
4.27.1 Individual Health Plan for the Medically Complex Child
4.27.2 Extraordinary Medical Care/Medical Expenses of a Medically Complex Child
4.27.3 Serious Injury of a Child in Foster Care
4.27.4 Life Support Systems
4.27.5 Ending Use of Life Support Systems
4.28 Meeting Educational Needs
4.28.2 Providing Educational Services Under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
4.28.3 Accessing Educational Records for Children and Youth in Foster Care and Guidelines for Educational Passports
4.28.4 Higher Education Assistance
4.28.5 Educational Training Voucher for Youth Who Have Transitioned Out of Foster Care
4.29.1 Independent Living Services
4.29.2 Transition Planning for Youth Aging Out of OOHC or Extending Commitment
4.30 Normalcy for Children and Youth in Out of Home Care
Ongoing Assessment, Case Planning and Case Closure
4.34 Ongoing Assessment for Out of Home Care Cases
4.35 Reunification, Including Extended Visitation, Case Planning and Transitional Supports to Families and Children
4.36 Case Closure and Aftercare Planning
4.37 Working with Incarcerated Parents
OOHC Administrative Standards of Practice
4.45 Movement from a Home Placement
4.46 Movement from a DCBS Foster or Adoptive Home
4.47 Movement from One PCC Placement to Another
4.48 Discharge from a PCP or PCC Placement
4.49 Discharge Planning Prior to Leaving a Hospital or Treatment Facility
4.50 Discharge Planning Prior to Placement Changes Against Medical Advice
4.51 Documentation Required Upon Entering Out of Home Care (OOHC)
4.51.1 Placement in a Congregate Care (Residential Treatment) Setting
4.52 Personal Care Home/Family Care Home
4.53 Bed-Hold-Private Child Caring (PCC) / Residential or Private Child Placing (PCP) Foster Care Placement
4.54 Transportation and Out of State Travel with a Child in the Custody of the Cabinet
4.55 Sex Education
4.55.1 Pregnant Youth
4.55.2 Family Planning for Pregnant Youth
4.55.3 Survivors and Those at Risk of Human Trafficking
4.56 Use of Tobacco Products
4.57 Photography, Videotaping or Audio Taping of a Child in OOHC
4.58 Mail to Child in OOHC
4.59 Change of Surname for a Youth in OOHC
4.60 State I.D. and Driver's License for Children in the Custody of the Cabinet
4.61 Employment for a Youth in OOHC
4.64 Census Count for a Youth in OOHC
4.65 Credit Reports for Youth in Foster Care
4.66 Critical Situations
4.67 Locating Missing Children-Including Runaways
Standards of Practice Manual
4.26 Meeting Basic Health Care Needs
Effective: 1/21/2020
4.26 Meeting Basic Health Care Needs
Legal Authority
42 USC 622 State plans for child welfare services
KRS 214.017 Caregiver of individual with diabetes may administer or assist with self-administration of diabetes medications if the caregiver is appropriately trained and has the written authorization of the individual's health care practitioner.
Practice Guidance
Practice Guidance
File all documentation once completed in the case file.
The child’s mental health screening refers to a basic mental health assessment, rather than a full mental health diagnostic examination.
Children under five (5) are to receive an Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Services (EPSDT) screening from the local health department or, if eligible, a First Steps screening (federal zero to three program) as a substitute for a mental health screening.
The SSW should be aware that a child who is eligible for medicaid is also eligible for EPSDT services from the local health department.
The documentation provided by the medical or mental health professional is an appropriate substitute for the following forms:
DPP-106C Child Medical History and Annual Physical Exam;
DPP-106D Medical Appointment;
DPP-106E Dental Care;
DPP-106F Visual Screening; and
DPP-106G Mental Health Services.
The foster/adoptive parent of a child with diabetes may administer or assist with the self-administration of medication if the foster/adoptive parent has been trained to administer insulin and glucagon, recognize the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, and take appropriate steps to respond to these symptoms by:
A physician who is licensed under the provisions of KRS Chapter 311;
An advanced practice registered nurse, registered nurse, or licensed practical nurse who is licensed under the provisions of KRS Chapter 314; or
Any other health care professional with diabetes treatment within his or her scope of practice.
The foster/adoptive parent must receive written authorization from the health care practitioner which contains the following information, in order to administer or assist with the administration of diabetes medication:
Youth's name;
Name and purpose of the medication;
Prescribed dosage;
Route of administration;
The frequency with which the medication may be administered; and
Circumstances under which the medication may be administered.
The SSW:
Completes the following forms upon entry of a child into OOHC:
DPP-106A Authorization for Routine Health Care and Authorization for Non-Routine Health Care;
DPP-106B Initial Physical and Behavioral Health History to obtain an outline of the child's medical history from the family; and
Ensures that the child receives a physical health screening within forty-eight (48) hours of an order in which a child enters the custody of the Cabinet, and treatment for any injury/illness that may be the result of maltreatment within twenty-four (24) hours of the order;
Notifies the child’s assigned MCO within five (5) working days of a child’s entry into OOHC;
Shares the child’s medical and behavioral health care needs with the MCO in order to assure all needs are addressed;
Submits the DPP-106B Initial Physical and Behavioral Health History to the MCO within ten (10) five (5) working days of the child’s entry into OOHC. Staff submits the DPP-106B for MCO signature, but it is not required for DCBS records;
Foster parent/caretaker, or parent completes section I of the DPP-106C-Child Medical History and Annual Physical Exam (section II is completed by the medical provider during the physical exam);
Makes arrangements for the child to attend the following appointments within two (2) weeks of an order in which a child enters the custody of the Cabinet, either via a temporary order of custody or commitment:
Medical exam (documented on the DPP-106D-Medical Appointment);
Dental examinations (documented on the DPP-106E-Dental Appointment); and
Visual exam (documented on the DPP-106F-Visual Screening);
Facilitates completion of the child’s mental health screening performed by a qualified mental health professional (documented on the DPP-106G-Mental Health Services) within thirty (30) days of a child’s entry into OOHC;
Makes arrangements and documents service provision when the screening indicates that further assessment or treatment is necessary;
Arranges for a child to have a complete medical, dental, and visual examination no less than once per year;
Uses the medical passport guidelines to document the physical and mental health care services for a child in OOHC;
Follows guidelines for authorization for medical services for a child in OOHC;
Follows guidelines for medical care for a medically complex child;
Provides the child of an appropriate age a written summary of information about his health, and (when there is a signed DCBS-1 Informed Consent and Release of Information and Records) the health of his birth parents, and includes a copy in the child’s record to include the following information regarding the family’s known health history:
Childhood illnesses; and
Mental illness.
Maintains a written summary of the birth parents’ known health history in the case record based on information obtained through interviews, observation, or health records received to include the following information:
The status of the birth parents’ past and current physical and mental health;
Physical and mental health services that have been or are being provided to them;
Their history of substance use or abuse; and
Physical or developmental disabilities.
Main Content
The MCO should assist the worker in locating providers and arranging these appointments.
Arrangements are made for initial service provision within two (2) working days of the receipt of the information.
More frequent examinations are arranged as necessary, based on the child’s age and physical condition.
Relative Content
DCBS-1 Informed Consent and Release of Information and Records
DCBS-1 Informed Consent and Release of Information and Records (Spanish)
DPP-106A Authorization for Routine Health Care and Authorization for Non-Routine Health Care
DPP-106B Initial Physical and Behavioral Health History
DPP 106B Initial Physical and Behavioral Health History-Spanish
DPP-106D Medical Appointment
DPP-106E Dental Care
DPP-106F Visual Screening
DPP-106G Mental Health Services
DPP-106H Medication Administraton Form
DPP-106I Methamphetamine Exposure Medical Evaluation and Follow-Up Form
DPP-106J Medication Transfer Form
Mental Health-Illness Indicators Tip Sheet
Screener 0 years old
Screener 1 years old
Screener 2-3 years old
Screener 4-6 years old
Screener 7-10 years old
Screener 11 years old
Screener 12-17 years old
First Steps
Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)
Page Content