4.5.10 Service Appeals for Kinship Care Providers, Relative, or Fictive Kin Caregivers



Practice Guidance

  • An administrative hearing or service appeal in accordance with 922 KAR 1:320 may be requested by a caretaker relative denied supportive services, to facilitate the child's placement stability with the relative kinship caregiver, or start-up costs offered to facilitate a child's adjustment to the new environment with the relative kinship caregiver, prior to April 1, 2013. 
  • A kinship car​egiver who is dissatisfied with an action or inaction on the part of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (Cabinet/CHFS)  relating to financial assistance under the kinship care program has the right to a hearing pursuant to 921 KAR 2:055. 
  • ​​A child's relative does not have the right to a service appeal or hearing if the SSW denies the child's placement in the relative's home.


The SSW:

  1. Notifies the relative or fictive kin caretaker of changes in services, payments, and notification of case closure; 
  2. ​Provides the DPP-154A Protection and Permanency Notice of Intended Action to the relative or fictive kin caretaker, prior to or concurrent with a denial of supportive services, payments, or a relative placement support benefit, and at least two (2) weeks prior to the case's closure.


​7/1/2024 Addition​​​: 

  1. Notifies the relative or fictive kin caretaker of changes in services, payments, and notification of case closure; 
  2. Provides the DPP-154A Protection and Permanency Notice of Intended Action to the relative or fictive kin caretaker, prior to or concurrent with a denial of supportive services, payments, or a relative placement support benefit, and at least two (2) weeks prior to the case's closure.