4.5.9 Redetermination and Reapplication for Children Approved for Kinship Care Prior to April 1, 2013



Practice Guidance

  • After discontinuance, a caretaker relative may be reconsidered for financial assistance under the kinship care program when the child returns to the home of the kinship caregiver, after being absent due to the child’s temporary location or placement such as: 
    • Foster care; 
    • A residential treatment facility; 
    • A psychiatric residential facility;
    •  Detention; or 
    • A trial reunification with parent for l​ess than sixty (60) days. 
  • To the extent that funds are available the initial finding of substantiated abuse or neglect may be used for reapplication and redetermination of eligibility for financial assistance under the kinship care program, in the following circumstances. This only applies to children who were determined eligible for the kinship care program prior to April 1, 2013: 
    • That any of the circumstances listed above in the first (1st) bulleted point have occurred; 
    • That the child is becoming ineligible for SSI; or 
    • That the child will be placed with a different caretaker relative. 
  • If the kinship caregiver does not keep the recertification appointment with Family Support and lacks good cause, the financial assistance under the kinship care program will cease on the case. 
  •  There is no re-application process to regain eligibility for kinship care benefits due to missing recertification appointments.


The SSW:

  1. Conducts another relative home evaluation, using the DPP-1277 Safety Check and Review​, to evaluate reinstating kinship care funds if kinship care was discontinued for a temporary period of time; 
  2. Follows procedures in SOP 12.4 Background Checks for Resource Parents, 12.4.1 Child Abuse/Neglect Central Registry and Fingerprint Checks and where applicable SOP 12.4.2 Child Abuse/Neglect Central Registry Requests from Another State if a new adult or adolescent has moved into the home since the last home evaluation was completed.
