4.5.6 Ongoing Services and Permanency for the Child Placed through Kinship Care



Practice Guidance

  • The receipt of financial assistance under the kinship care program continues until the case becomes ineligible for a technical or financial reason. 
  • Permanent custody does not stop the financial assistance, as permanent custody is the desired outcome.


The SSW:

  1. Follows guidelines for case planning as outlined in SOP chapter 4; 
  2. ​Provides services or facilitates access to services for the relative kinship caregiver and the child to ensure a placement is not disrupted, including case management, described in the child’s permanency plan for at least six (6) months, beginning with the date of the placement of the child with the relative kinship caregiver, or until the relative kinship caregiver has permanent custody of the child; 
  3. Completes the following tasks prior to the sixth (6th) month of the child's placement within the relative kinship caretaker's home: 1 
    1. Facilitates a meeting to review the child's case plan and placement; 
    2. Determines, with the family team, if permanent relative kinship placement is in the best interest of the child; 
    3. Prepares a court recommendation pertaining to the permanent custody of the child when applicable; and 
    4. Requests that the case be re-docketed for court action to determine permanent custody pursuant to KRS 620.027; 
  4. Closes the case with the relative kinship caregiver and child when: 
    1. Permanent custody has been granted to the kinship relative; or 
    2. The child has achieved reunification or other permanency; or 
    3. Once the petition has been filed by a kinship care provider and the court declines to grant permanent custody, unless the family has ongoing service needs; 
  5. Develops an Aftercare Plan with the relative kinship caregiver outlining community supports, including contact information for the Kinship Support Hotline; and 
  6. Exits the child from placement by completing the Exit Resource Screen in TWIST and selects "Kinship Care Placement" for the reason, once permanency is achieved, if applicable. 3


  1. These tasks are completed at the twelfth (12th) month for kinship care cases. 
  2. ​Business cards, containing information about the hotline, have been provided to all regions. If local offices do not have business cards, they may be printed from the Kinship Support Hotline Business Card Template. 
  3.  Since TWIST cannot be updated at this time, the “Kinship Care Placement” option is still used for relatives who have custody.
